Message from @Nawalter Jizney

Discord ID: 567464468120993802

2019-04-15 21:37:45 UTC  

unless i can secure it for them

2019-04-15 21:38:00 UTC  

and they are alright with taking care of me in exchange for that

2019-04-15 21:38:22 UTC  

What about when the pay is just survival in it of itself is what I’m saying, in that situation no one is winning or getting paid except in the time that they get to stay alive because nature

2019-04-15 21:38:48 UTC  


2019-04-15 21:38:53 UTC  

Everyone is assumed to have something that contributes to that survival

2019-04-15 21:39:12 UTC  

sure. maybe. i dont think most people will be worth anything in the situation where we need to survive

2019-04-15 21:39:13 UTC  

Hm there are several views to see it
You invested most of your assets in raising them and provide value as grandparents, e. G. By taking care of grandkids, while your kids are working etc...
I don't see anything wrong with that

2019-04-15 21:39:23 UTC  


2019-04-15 21:39:32 UTC  

@conker you dont choose to be born

2019-04-15 21:39:44 UTC  

you dont choose to need someone to take care of you till your old enough

2019-04-15 21:39:57 UTC  

the people who have kids made the choice

2019-04-15 21:40:00 UTC  

Sure if you dont provide any value for your family... And are a pure burden, it's better to just disappear and let them life their life

2019-04-15 21:40:33 UTC  

if i have kids. its my choice to have kids. not their choice to be my kids

2019-04-15 21:40:38 UTC  

so i dont expect anything from them

2019-04-15 21:40:40 UTC  

Man family members are worse than random strangers on the street

2019-04-15 21:40:44 UTC  

and i will take care of them

2019-04-15 21:40:50 UTC  
2019-04-15 21:40:57 UTC  

because im the one who decided they exist

2019-04-15 21:41:04 UTC  

some of my family members would skin me while i was alive

2019-04-15 21:41:10 UTC  

survival of the fittest my dudes

2019-04-15 21:41:12 UTC  

Fathers usually don’t expect anything, mothers on the other hand ...

2019-04-15 21:41:23 UTC  
2019-04-15 21:41:38 UTC  

yea well. if i have kids with some bitch ill take care of her. at least until the kids are old enough to survive.

2019-04-15 21:41:52 UTC  

but shes gonna pulll her fucking weight or im dropping her.

2019-04-15 21:41:54 UTC  

My moms been telling me I’m gonna wipe her ass one day since I was 5

2019-04-15 21:42:05 UTC  

but again. this is assuming i would even have kids

2019-04-15 21:42:09 UTC  

which im not

2019-04-15 21:42:33 UTC  

@Nawalter Jizney thats what i call a selfish bitch

2019-04-15 21:42:35 UTC  

@shadowlessnexus OK.. Maybe that's your view of the world and I understand d it

in Slavic and Chinese families there is a totally different view on These things xd

2019-04-15 21:42:37 UTC  

no offense

2019-04-15 21:42:48 UTC  

None taken, I hate her

2019-04-15 21:42:50 UTC  

@conker i get that. and i disagree with it.

2019-04-15 21:43:10 UTC  

also remember that is practicality

2019-04-15 21:43:26 UTC  

back in 15th century china there are 50 bandit tribes right over that hill and your fucked

2019-04-15 21:43:36 UTC  

we arent in 15th century china anymore

2019-04-15 21:43:41 UTC  

machines take care of us

2019-04-15 21:43:53 UTC  

And look at the Slavic world and China

2019-04-15 21:43:55 UTC  

and anybody can pay for an old folks home that is decent if they arent retarded

2019-04-15 21:44:19 UTC  

Slavs are a balkanized train wreck.

2019-04-15 21:44:25 UTC  

now. should we go back to basics and everybody is fucked because theres no society then we can have that discussion then

2019-04-15 21:44:28 UTC  

@Xychotic China doing fairly good actually...