Message from @Xychotic

Discord ID: 585122895663988782

2019-06-03 14:15:21 UTC  

It’s all downhill once you let them drive

2019-06-03 14:16:57 UTC  

@Xychotic that's what you get when you have a monarchy and zero freedom of speech

2019-06-03 14:17:38 UTC  

Also Arabic for goat shenanigans I believe is "حيل العنزة"

2019-06-03 14:19:52 UTC  

Huh.... Kinda looks like a goat

2019-06-03 14:20:27 UTC  

@Sheer how does a monarchy work to help feminists?

2019-06-03 14:21:09 UTC  

Wait, is it because the monarch is trying to look humanitarian and is giving a voice to the harpies?

2019-06-03 14:26:32 UTC  

@Xychotic no, because a monarch is basically a dictator, and he'll do whatever he sees fit regardless of the people's opinion, moreover it's easier for a foreign superpower to put pressure on and control of a local monarch as apposed to a democracy or a Republic

2019-06-03 14:27:38 UTC  

So... How is this letting feminists take over?

2019-06-03 14:28:13 UTC  

So if the monarch wants to spread feminism, and/or a superpower pressures him to do so, he'll do that even if 90% of the people oppose feminism

2019-06-03 14:28:54 UTC  

And everyone else gets to "swallow a shoe and shut up!"

2019-06-03 14:43:20 UTC  

I think the problem with monarchy is the nature of who is in charge. sometimes you get someone who has a real interest in keeping the people alive, and other times you get boomer mentality and they spend everyone's money and collapse the state

2019-06-03 14:44:56 UTC  

but there is some merit in the trichotomy description that says something like "because the ruler owns the people, he has vested interest in maintaining his sovereignty" in the same way that owning a car makes you want to keep it clean and running

2019-06-03 15:04:09 UTC  

Are we discussing this again? Just fucking crown me Emperor.

2019-06-03 15:04:14 UTC  

It doesn't matter how much you want to keep it clean if you are shit at maintaining a car.

2019-06-03 15:04:31 UTC  

There are Alot of people who are shit at maintaining a car.

2019-06-03 15:04:59 UTC  

Also. Power corrupts. This is an absolute truth. It always happens

2019-06-03 15:08:01 UTC  

Power doesn't corrupt. Power reveals.

2019-06-03 15:08:39 UTC  

yeah I'm not for monarchy if you read my full message, I am saying though that it has a better track record than communism

2019-06-03 15:08:53 UTC  

anarchy has a better track record

2019-06-03 15:09:17 UTC  

anarchy exists for like 1 day and then tribalism replaces it

2019-06-03 15:09:29 UTC  

Unless you realize that communism has done exactly what it intended to do every time.

2019-06-03 15:09:54 UTC  

In which case, it has been real communism every time and has had resounding success every time.

2019-06-03 15:10:00 UTC  

I'm talking about theoretical in the same way that I was discussing theoretical monarchy

2019-06-03 15:10:28 UTC  

I'm saying communism intends to commit genocide and mass murder.

2019-06-03 15:11:21 UTC  

yeah all roads lead further into the honk but I could say the same thing about monarchy/democracy/anarchy etc

2019-06-03 15:11:44 UTC  

because all lead to genocide if taken down the natural path

2019-06-03 15:11:58 UTC  

communism is just the fast lane

2019-06-03 15:13:43 UTC  

There's a difference between "there's been genocide in all cases" and "they all do it by design"

2019-06-03 15:15:05 UTC  

maybe I'm just optimistic but I think most communists are people who cant think ahead, and only a few see where it leads and choose that path

2019-06-03 15:15:40 UTC  

I think that is optimistic.

2019-06-03 15:15:59 UTC  

I think they are ignorant or greedy.

2019-06-03 15:16:54 UTC  

they just want gibs but most that I've talked to dont understand where the gibs come from. they're not intending to eat the rich they think that money can be made out of nothing

2019-06-03 15:17:05 UTC  

so they just become the rich

2019-06-03 15:17:17 UTC  


2019-06-03 15:17:35 UTC  

yeah but not genocidal by thoughts

2019-06-03 15:17:38 UTC  

just by actions

2019-06-03 15:18:35 UTC  

@shadowlessnexus good point

2019-06-03 15:19:40 UTC  

you should not in life. place your future. in something as frail and ever changing as a person. you should place it in yourself.

2019-06-03 15:20:03 UTC  


2019-06-03 15:20:10 UTC  

That's the fatal flaw of monarchy

2019-06-03 15:25:07 UTC  

the problem with putting the responsibility on yourself is that you have to actually take responsibility. that's hard and bottom feeders cant face that