Message from @Kazemaru

Discord ID: 595029401343623171

2019-06-30 22:06:33 UTC  

You can do stuff like paintball or airsoft ect...

2019-06-30 22:06:48 UTC  

An armed populace is almost impossible to subjugate and control. Evidenced by Vietnam and Guerilla conflicts throughout history

2019-06-30 22:06:54 UTC  

Will make you a bit more ready for guns when shit hits the fans

2019-06-30 22:07:09 UTC  

If you can't get guns that is

2019-06-30 22:07:20 UTC  

k imma take my little sister out cause ive been gone for like 2 weeks doing survey work

2019-06-30 22:07:33 UTC  

so dont burn down the server plz

2019-06-30 22:07:34 UTC  


2019-06-30 22:09:23 UTC  

<@594020381875109909> Get one however you can, although I'd assume it'd be much easier in a place like the US. But I realize moving isnt an option all the time

2019-06-30 22:10:43 UTC  

I'm afraid we all gonna be dead before we know it

2019-06-30 22:10:58 UTC  

<@594020381875109909> I wouldnt worry about it. Honestly if they can jail you for defending yourself or arming yourself... I'd say those laws and that government isn't legit and you should practice some "civil disobedience" lol

2019-06-30 22:12:04 UTC  

Honestly, if you cant get a firearm, make sure you have something to defend yourself with at least. Can you have pocket knives in your country?

2019-06-30 22:27:47 UTC  

Depends on the guy really

2019-06-30 22:28:11 UTC  

Honor killings were a thing in the past, however. So I know for a fact some guys would totally ditch her, at least 10 years ago.

2019-06-30 22:28:37 UTC  

Now, however, your average guy will play up on the victim status and do the opposite. He'll cuck for her harder

I wouldn't

I already got my own trauma to deal with, I couldn't be able to support her even if I wanted to.

2019-06-30 22:32:07 UTC  

^ exactly, it's entirely circumstantial

2019-06-30 22:35:32 UTC  


2019-06-30 22:35:35 UTC  

Got raped.

2019-06-30 22:35:43 UTC  

Sorry, its a lie

2019-06-30 23:14:24 UTC  

Thats indeed an strange circunstance

2019-06-30 23:14:29 UTC  


2019-06-30 23:14:34 UTC  

only a few years

2019-06-30 23:14:54 UTC  

How did you discovered she was raped?

2019-06-30 23:19:31 UTC  

so whats up?

2019-06-30 23:30:25 UTC  


2019-06-30 23:31:56 UTC  


2019-06-30 23:45:28 UTC  

The answer is rather obvious.

2019-06-30 23:45:30 UTC  


2019-06-30 23:49:03 UTC  

If she filed a police report - it was rape. If she doesn't file one, she's cheating on you.

2019-06-30 23:50:09 UTC  

Ah, in that context you can make a case to stick to a victim, but you basically will be picking up the pieces of a wreck.

2019-06-30 23:50:31 UTC  

Really, it's time to just return her to dealer and invoke the lemon laws.

2019-06-30 23:51:33 UTC  

She'll need serious therapy that costs real money. She might have an STD now. Sex is not gonna happen anytime soon. It'll be constant drama.

2019-06-30 23:54:15 UTC  

at the very least, 100% would not have sex with her for several months, to make sure she got rid of the baby ect...

2019-06-30 23:54:33 UTC  

That's assuming she got knocked up.

2019-06-30 23:55:00 UTC  

can you trust that she didnt?

2019-06-30 23:55:19 UTC  

There is also a possibility of her running to one of her orbiters if she isnt getting enough attention (read: pity) from you

2019-06-30 23:55:37 UTC  

Which would be perfect.

2019-06-30 23:55:52 UTC  


2019-06-30 23:56:01 UTC  

der u go, if she runs to an orbiter, it shows you the kind of girl she is

2019-06-30 23:56:06 UTC  

another AWALT πŸ˜›