Message from @nadrud

Discord ID: 797293312892600340

2021-01-09 02:36:30 UTC  

I figure if 46% of the population stop paying taxes they won't be able to enforce the laws.... They will just print more money until it's worthless.

2021-01-09 02:36:31 UTC  

Im glad that at least one senator from my state of Louisiana, John Kennedy, stood up from Trump but next time Bill Cassidy is up for election I will be able to vote and will not be voting for him.

2021-01-09 02:36:43 UTC  

the people were orderly going in next to police

2021-01-09 02:36:52 UTC  

it was calm asf

2021-01-09 02:36:56 UTC  

think the best way for this server to stay up is stop talking about a revolution

2021-01-09 02:37:19 UTC  

half the music from the 90s was about revolution... it's not that taboo

2021-01-09 02:37:19 UTC  

Freedom of speech isn't even a thing online anymore

2021-01-09 02:37:31 UTC  

and 60's

2021-01-09 02:37:31 UTC  

I share an outright screenshot of Trump asking protestors to be peaceful.. and what happens? I am told **I** am delusional and that I am a nazi supporter. They're so convinced that trump demanded violent rebellion... that they won't change their mind even if you share absolute proof otherwise. I share proof and I am somehow the one brainwashed.

Nobody can send me evidence that trump called for rebellion, and I can share evidence he called for peace. Yet somehow, the majority have decided I am the one who is delusional.

2021-01-09 02:37:34 UTC  

sadly yes

2021-01-09 02:38:01 UTC  

You have the freedom to think the way they tell you to think lol

2021-01-09 02:38:03 UTC  

we're the big bad wolf right now

2021-01-09 02:38:11 UTC  

Gasoline on the fire...

2021-01-09 02:38:14 UTC  


2021-01-09 02:38:23 UTC  

again we should change the subject

2021-01-09 02:38:25 UTC  

the internet is set up perfectly to quell freedom of speech... if they wanted freedom of speech they wouldn't give special powers to certain people. everyone would have an equal soap box.

2021-01-09 02:38:46 UTC  

anybody want a good thing to watch rn

2021-01-09 02:38:50 UTC  

don't give them a reason

2021-01-09 02:38:50 UTC  

its live

2021-01-09 02:38:56 UTC  


2021-01-09 02:38:58 UTC  

once you give a bigger soap box to people they have an incentive to not disrupt or anger the person with a bigger soap box above them

2021-01-09 02:39:16 UTC  

Just saying, we're not going to fix this by censoring ourselves and talking among ourselves. If we try to use our words to promote our ideas, then they will stop us.

2021-01-09 02:39:42 UTC  

but but but... feelings might get hurt....

2021-01-09 02:39:54 UTC  

they have made it impossible to peacefully promote our ideas by discussion.

2021-01-09 02:40:12 UTC  

Fek yo feelings...or whatever Ben Shapiro said 😆

2021-01-09 02:40:33 UTC  

All that censorship does is push the conversation into deeper corners of the forum...

2021-01-09 02:40:41 UTC  

who here knows the President Kennedy quote "those who make peaceful revolution impossible..."

2021-01-09 02:40:54 UTC  

kennedy was a twat

2021-01-09 02:41:07 UTC  

he stole his election as well

2021-01-09 02:41:39 UTC  

facts dont care about your feelings

2021-01-09 02:42:43 UTC  

Tbh after spending years talking and getting along with Trump supporters, you’re genuinely good people, sure they are some bad apples but still, you are good people. It’s really a shame that the left wing narrative portraying you as Neo-nazis, white supremacists and such while the leftists have advocate racial segregations, Violence towards people from the right, Christians and honestly hearing from the media basically everyday with such free degrading insults and framing makes me lose it. Unfortunately I have a liberal mother with a trump derangement syndrome who’s addicted to the local fake news media and some fiery arguments on the issue regarding Trump even with some evidence.

2021-01-09 02:42:44 UTC  

How do u know

2021-01-09 02:43:08 UTC  

But he was right. Their "peaceful solution" is sit down, shut up, and do as you're told.

We ain't having it, which makes the second half of his quote relevant.

2021-01-09 02:43:23 UTC  

I wasn't there but it's been peering its ugly head with the advent of the internet... the msm has basically squashed the "conspiracy"

2021-01-09 02:43:40 UTC  

My point is that you guys are good people

2021-01-09 02:43:44 UTC  

CIA created the term Conspiracy Theory

2021-01-09 02:43:50 UTC  

@VulpesVulpes hello Radio 👀 how was your day?

2021-01-09 02:43:55 UTC  

It was either Illinois or texas... no i think it was illinois... they had PA like numbers

2021-01-09 02:44:02 UTC  

1.) We have proof that the mayor of DC purposely demanded that the police security be weakened on the day of the capitol hill protest,
2.) we know they drafted a bill to expel&charge republican senators for treason and inciting rebellion... the day before it even took place
3.) We know Trump was censored instantly as he was trying to convince his supporters to obey the law and go home peacefully

They don't need a red flag operation, all they need to do is make it easier for the few bad eggs to act out and use *them* to paint us all as villains.

2021-01-09 02:44:04 UTC  

the quartering was just banned on twitter