Message from @Kapkan
Discord ID: 745139342665711737
I'm sorry you were born there.
all good
im red whit and blue to the bone
Please make sure you are not talking over one another. I'd hate to implement Push to Talk for people...
its already common practice for me ❤️
sorry ghost
Seriously, guys. Mods are already getting tired of this. If you don't want a warning. STOP NOW!
shooting the guy
is @Cattdaddy n Cornflake>^.,.^< drinking straight from the still?
he's actually going to poop
no you
alright time to go post this in blm discord servers
I'm probably gonna get my ip tracked since its on discord
im interested to see how its gonna turn out
I saw The Patriot in there
Mel Gibson
Great Movie
@DFKN66 is there a reason for this video being posted here? This channel is for VC stuff only.
Vicious Cunt?
Voice Chat
My bad
@Deleted User why are you posting this here? There's no conversatio in VC, this meme doesn't belong here.
@6H0$T 👻😈 Sorry my bad, I've uploaded it to the general meme dump.
No worries and thanks.
No probs @6H0$T 👻😈
someone mentioned boobs, i'm now fulling into this conversation