Message from @d3adlyz3bra

Discord ID: 751186404955914317

And that age is largely arbitrary

2020-09-03 20:14:39 UTC  

Idk if requiring taxes to vote should be a thing. You still are effected by the outcome if you pay taxes or not.

2020-09-03 20:15:03 UTC  

Like i dont pay income tax or property taxes on my property.

2020-09-03 20:15:17 UTC  

Yet i 100% vote

2020-09-03 20:15:44 UTC  

Requiring someone to pay taxes is putting a paywall on your rights

It has issues, for instance i really dont like the idea of stay at home mothers being excluded due to not paying taxes either.

2020-09-03 20:19:00 UTC  

When it comes to rights like that if it takes them away from a single person dumpster the idea

But I feel that the founders might have been onto something with the idea of voting rights required being a landowner

2020-09-03 20:20:09 UTC  

Well that made the land the voter and not the person

2020-09-03 20:20:35 UTC  

So i disagree with that as well. Since there would be a huge majority of the country that wouldnt be able to vote since they only rent

2020-09-03 20:21:08 UTC  

All rights should be behind the same age gate. I dont care about smoking that could be 30 and i still wouldnt care

I'm more trying to point out the concern of a welfare state thats been creeping in bit by bit

2020-09-03 20:21:44 UTC  

No other stipulation other than being an adult for rights and the current standard for adult is 18

2020-09-03 20:22:05 UTC  

Well taking away rights from people isnt the solution to a welfare state

I cant disagree with that statement, but it doesn't offer a solution... which is also unacceptable to be left unanswered.... im probably not making any sense...

2020-09-03 20:26:23 UTC  

You can find other solutions without looking for it in unrelated things

2020-09-03 20:26:54 UTC  

Not everything has to propose a solution to other issues. The more unfocused a solution becomes on one problem the less effective it is

2020-09-03 20:56:09 UTC  

why pull out of the geneva convention? do we *want* to commit war crimes?

2020-09-03 21:06:17 UTC  

There are some things within the convention that dont make any sense. Along with the Hague Convention

2020-09-03 21:06:35 UTC  

Like banning hollow points in warfare.

2020-09-03 21:14:42 UTC  

Every *citizen* 18 and over has the right to vote. Giving a minor the right to vote is the same as allowing that child to set it's own boundaries and limits. They will base each decision on their own very small view of the world and with a total lack of experience. They are incapable of making an informed decision. That creates an argument for increasing the age, not lowering it. Far more important is verifying who the voter is, If they are a citizen and have the right to vote and preventing fraud. Anyone opposed to preventing fraud and identification is most likely someone that needs voter fraud to win an election. The argument that requiring ID is somehow preventing anyone from voting is utterly false. We all need ID in todays world to do almost anything. Travel, medical care, using a credit card, other banking, too many to count. Not having an ID isolates you from active society and could get you arrested.

2020-09-03 21:54:15 UTC  

i dont believe lack of ID leads to arrests nowadays. detainment yes until they can verify who you are

2020-09-03 22:21:52 UTC  

Getting put in cuffs and dragged off is close enough for me.

2020-09-03 23:09:29 UTC  

then youre not basing it off a definition of anything just how you feel it is. You will be detained if you are a suspect and dont have identification. Thats just standard procedure, not to mention if theyre detaining you to figure out who you are they had reasonable suspicion to detain you for an investigation already.

2020-09-03 23:10:02 UTC  

So it seems youve left a factual argument for an emotional one at that point

2020-09-04 05:01:15 UTC  

Wasn't the reason for banning hollow points because the crowning effect did more damage then the even in and out of a non-hollow point?

2020-09-04 05:12:32 UTC  

those that violate the geneva convention only get punished when they lose the war

2020-09-04 09:00:52 UTC  

@Wyrm and why exactly is that bad when talking about eliminating the enemy and prevent collateral?

2020-09-04 11:47:23 UTC  

I moved to VA and never thought about a militia. Guess I have something to research huh

2020-09-04 11:50:21 UTC  

@βœŒπŸ§β“‡ο½α‘Žπš 🐿🎯 About the stay at home mom thing: I thought the head of the house sits down and discusses things before casting a vote. Maybe things changed... Idk..

2020-09-04 13:12:24 UTC  

wait you actually think that only one person votes for the household?

2020-09-04 13:14:10 UTC  

anybody of legal age to vote regardless of how many in a household votes

2020-09-04 23:25:14 UTC  

I'm a teen and I think that voting age should be raised

2020-09-04 23:25:18 UTC  

my people are commies

2020-09-04 23:25:43 UTC  

also is the usa actually considering pulling out of the geneva convention?

2020-09-05 01:14:24 UTC  

I don't think so

2020-09-05 01:14:30 UTC  

where did you here that?

2020-09-05 04:24:02 UTC  

Gun laws = Gun control?

2020-09-05 04:26:48 UTC  

gun laws = right to bear arms infringement