Message from @Rocci

Discord ID: 769485900035260416

2020-10-22 03:07:08 UTC  

even trafalgar who is very very right-leaning shows biden winning

2020-10-22 03:08:31 UTC  

Biden wins it's Civil War 2 electric boogaloo

2020-10-22 03:08:35 UTC  


2020-10-22 03:37:32 UTC  

Arizona can go democrat but Ohio? Nope, not gonna happen.

2020-10-22 04:07:04 UTC  

Senate Elections:

2020-10-23 00:03:53 UTC  

Would like to see feds arrest joe during debate

2020-10-23 02:52:14 UTC  

I honestly thought the questions were awful tonight. They all seemed to be directed for Biden and forced Trump on the defense. They made it as hard as possible for Trump to try to go on the offense. It felt rigged to play to Biden’s strengths.

2020-10-23 02:56:04 UTC  

I think I agree, Im really tired and brain functions are slowing down, but it did seem that way. They were all directed towards him and he had to defend himself and his actions while Biden could go on the offense. There were a few directed at Biden, but the vast majority were not. Either way, Trump still killed it.

2020-10-23 02:56:57 UTC  

Trump practiced great decorum during this debate, and didnt let these questions that tried to put him on the defense keep him down or back him into a corner. He did a decent job at jumping up and going on the offense himself.

2020-10-23 03:18:00 UTC  

Anyone who looks at polls are stupid imo. Right nowt, as you can see, they are doing what I call “damage control”. They are narrowing like they did last time.

2020-10-23 03:18:48 UTC  

Tim Pool posted a video recently talking about how the Democrats themselves know the polls are wrong and are scared

2020-10-23 03:19:07 UTC  

The polls are a tool theyre using to try to demoralize voters. its a way to sway elections

2020-10-23 03:19:20 UTC  

its not working the way they want though

2020-10-23 03:19:33 UTC  

Early voting is shitting on what the polls say is going to happen

2020-10-23 05:49:13 UTC  

tbh that's why I do all the surveys

2020-10-23 05:49:24 UTC  

if it makes it look like there are more trump supporters, so be it

2020-10-23 16:07:04 UTC  

Really wish the debate had given Trump the opportunity to bring up Biden's unimaginably radical gun control he has posted on his website. However between his stance on oil and gun control, if people were informed and hadn't already voted, there is no way he should have a chance to win.

2020-10-24 07:32:38 UTC  

Do u think that Michigan will go to democrats. I dont like the idea but that is looking like what's gonna happen

2020-10-24 07:35:29 UTC  

Nope. The fact that Gretchen Whitmer is in power means that Michigan will become Republican and might stay that way for a while.

2020-10-24 08:23:58 UTC  

I dont trust the polls completely but there's a strong sign that trump might lose Michigan.

2020-10-24 09:02:14 UTC  

Trump was down double digits in RCP average and he still won MI in 2016.

2020-10-24 12:36:53 UTC

2020-10-24 13:33:42 UTC  

I hope it’s like that this time. Hearing the choir of rees would be perfect for this year

2020-10-24 19:06:52 UTC  

Imagine if Trump won California

2020-10-24 19:55:48 UTC  

That would be insane

2020-10-24 19:56:12 UTC  

Think of the paths to 270 if that happens.

2020-10-24 20:59:25 UTC  

California is their driving force of electoral votes

2020-10-24 23:33:11 UTC  

Besides the fact that California has more Republicans then any other state but their votes don't matter, the fact they have 55 electoral votes means you could easily split the state in half or at least a third where the liberal coast cities are one state and the rest another state and it still be larger then most states. That way thou, at least the the liberals would be quarantine to a smaller area and the rest of the country would be better for it.

2020-10-25 16:47:36 UTC  

the fake republican polls have been getting it wrong this whole time

2020-10-25 16:47:41 UTC  


2020-10-25 16:47:54 UTC  

americans are waking up

2020-10-25 16:48:05 UTC  

💅 💅 💅 💅

HA thats funny^

I live in texas and the only places he is liked are the city's we don't even like being apart of texas

cough cough AUSTIN

2020-10-25 16:49:22 UTC  

also suburbs

2020-10-25 16:49:49 UTC  

Biden has like a 70% chance of winning texas

2020-10-25 16:49:54 UTC  

all the data supports that

yea from a poll that only polls giant portion of dems and a small portion of republicans

2020-10-25 16:51:13 UTC  

the article says they overpolled in republican counties

2020-10-25 16:51:19 UTC  
