Message from @mikeflarkin

Discord ID: 778668759460085780

2020-11-17 23:27:28 UTC  

I did take my oldest to see the VP last month. She's 18 and still in HS but it was pretty much a once in a lifetime opportunity. We saw kids there and I thought that, while it's their right, kids should know what they're hearing about before they go to a rally of the political nature.

2020-11-17 23:31:49 UTC  

18 is old enough to vote so at that point I think it is upto them and you as a parent. However anything younger then say 16 I think is a problem.

2020-11-18 00:22:46 UTC  

Depends on the age. 13 and older is what i say

2020-11-18 00:35:31 UTC  


2020-11-18 00:36:23 UTC  

Yeah, I wouldn’t take a 6 year old or anything, but if there a lot older and are interested in politics, why not?

2020-11-18 00:56:01 UTC  

If Antifa didn't exist, sure take your kid.
Unfortunately, we live in a dangerous environment for political expression, and a dutiful parent should recognize the danger.

2020-11-18 01:10:16 UTC  


2020-11-18 01:20:28 UTC  

Yea I would say about 13 and up

2020-11-18 04:50:51 UTC  

Personally I wouldn't mind going as a 16 year old

2020-11-18 04:51:09 UTC  

But with antifa roaming around...

2020-11-18 04:51:34 UTC  

I can't risk my safety

2020-11-18 04:51:51 UTC  

Especially when these people play dirty

2020-11-18 04:52:14 UTC  

What use is a fire arm when you're attacked with a brick in the back of the head

2020-11-18 14:19:21 UTC  

Wear a hard hat

2020-11-18 17:01:04 UTC  

It depends on whether or not people should bring their children. I started getting into politics at 15/16, some people do as well, some people are even in debate clubs at an earlier age. I can support people bringing kids around that age to rallies... but if we start talking about 11 year olds or toddlers or that kind of age range, thats a hard no from me. It was brutal when I went to one, and Im an adult. Stood there waiting about 4 hours before the rally actually started. Thats going to be absolutely miserable for a little kid, especially kids of ages that arent expected to be relatively mature yet. I dont like babies yelling and screaming either, and I did not enjoy the baby screaming while Trump was talking at the rally.

2020-11-18 17:06:31 UTC  


2020-11-18 17:07:13 UTC  

I think kids don't belong at rallies regardless now. They turn violent way too quickly, and it feels like bringing your kids is dangerous at this point. If you'd asked me ten years ago, I wouldn't have had as much of an issue with it, but now? No. You shouldn't risk your kids being pepper sprayed IMO unless they're like 14 and want to go with you.

2020-11-18 17:09:36 UTC  

The rally I went too was fine. There wasnt any violence, and the only "opposition" that was there was this old lady who looked like she had done a bit too much meth with a Biden Harris sign and what im guessing is her husband she forced to come holding a "Trump is corrupt" sign talking on his cell phone lmao. Some definitely turn violent, some dont even have the slightest issue. Just depends on where youre at I guess. And honestly dont know if I can say "some people might get violent there so dont go or bring your kids" is a fair argument in my personal opinion.

2020-11-18 17:09:48 UTC  

Plus, a 8 year old doesn’t understand politics, it’s not fair to drag them along

2020-11-18 17:11:12 UTC  

whether its people I agree with, or dont agree with, I dont think we should be forcing political opinions on children that dont understand them yet. When I got into politics in highschool all on my own... almost no one would debate me or have a meaningful conversation... sadly it was mostly because "I believe what I do because my parents believe that" and it really made my head hurt back then. Not going to advocate for that now.

2020-11-18 17:11:39 UTC  

If you're gonna bring your kid, at least be extremely situationally aware, and if it starts going badly, get them out. I've seen way too much footage of literal children getting pepper sprayed this year at "peaceful protests."

2020-11-18 17:12:51 UTC  

@Wardog are your parents Democrats?

2020-11-18 17:13:05 UTC  

that goes in line with needing police to be allowed to actually uphold the law and arrest people...

2020-11-18 17:13:49 UTC  

And if the police were allowed to do their jobs, I'd have less of an issue with kids at protests

2020-11-18 17:14:19 UTC  

@Kaladin no, my father is a registered republican and a little bit political, my mother is a registered democrat because she never changed it since she was younger, shes not very political. but she aligns with the republican party a lot more, theyre both religious. they never really did or said anything political around me.

2020-11-18 17:14:36 UTC  

before the midterms my mother wants me to help her switch her party registration.

2020-11-19 21:16:11 UTC  

I got into politics during the 2016 primaries and I was pretty young then and all I knew was that my grandpa and dad were republican so I knew I was. My dad had supported trump all the way through so I did as well. I wasn’t until last year that I started doing my own research and knew I was definitely a conservative republican like my dad

2020-11-19 21:22:45 UTC  

Nice. <:AmericanFlag:720120797837918288>

2020-11-19 21:27:41 UTC  

It is nice to see people do their own research to make their own informed decisions.

2020-11-19 21:31:40 UTC  

I decided I was a Republican in high school originally almost solely because of lower taxes. As I matured and understood politics more (more particularly what Democrats believe), my beliefs just reinforced the choice that I am a strong conservative.

2020-11-19 23:26:13 UTC  

@Kaladin are we talking about getting one in a couple of weeks, or getting one eventually? Just clarifying on the most recent poll.

2020-11-19 23:27:03 UTC  

I guess just eventually, most likely the next year @mikeflarkin

2020-11-19 23:27:17 UTC  

Okay cool, appreciate it

2020-11-19 23:53:57 UTC  

I'm not old enough to care about a vaccine.
When I'm in my 70s, sure... maybe, idk
In my 40s, btw

2020-11-19 23:55:34 UTC  

I get my flu shot each year and while I may get the COVID vaccine at some point it won't be not anytime soon.

2020-11-19 23:56:59 UTC  

I'm not worried about nanomachines being in it or anything like that. The elderly need the vaccines more than anyone under 65yo.

2020-11-19 23:57:37 UTC  

Do you think there gonna make you get it to go places

2020-11-19 23:58:00 UTC  

Nor do I but first the speed is a little concering and I agree there are people who need it a lot more.

2020-11-19 23:58:26 UTC  

Dunno, but they're trying to do that. Ticketmaster being one big culprit @Zaboomafoo

2020-11-19 23:59:58 UTC  

I can see them requiring it to travel to other countries and maybe attend school in person but for most things I don't see it working out as a requirement because you would need to be able to prove you got it and I don't see that working out

2020-11-20 00:01:50 UTC  

Covid hasn't proven to be any worse than the regular flu. We shouldn't just roll over for all the regulations manifesting in its name.

It makes me ashamed to be an American.