Message from @Kid Persona

Discord ID: 796929752723619850

2021-01-07 03:32:32 UTC  

And starfighters

2021-01-07 03:32:36 UTC  

And everything really

2021-01-07 03:48:30 UTC  

delta class fighters are much better then A-wings

2021-01-07 03:48:40 UTC  


2021-01-07 03:49:49 UTC  

honestly the star destroyers are off brand dumb looking venators

2021-01-07 04:07:11 UTC  

Yes indeed

2021-01-07 04:08:51 UTC  

Mandalorian ships look really cool too though

2021-01-07 05:03:01 UTC  

Star Destroyers were repurposed Venators.

2021-01-07 05:42:03 UTC  

Star destroyers were a completely different ship

2021-01-07 05:42:16 UTC  

Most venators were scrapped except for the few that the rebellion captured

2021-01-08 00:21:37 UTC  

CIS is Libertarian good boi's

2021-01-08 00:21:58 UTC  

Venator is my Favorite ship though

2021-01-08 01:04:41 UTC  


2021-01-08 01:58:16 UTC  

i never payed enough attention to pence to be sure. so i am judging off of the last week or so

2021-01-08 02:01:35 UTC  

He was good until a few days ago.

2021-01-08 02:02:01 UTC

2021-01-08 02:03:32 UTC  

Sorry to interrupt but if we take the strongest Thor and compare him to the strongest Hulk I THINK Thor wins.

2021-01-08 02:04:06 UTC  

I’m kind of indifferent/negative view toward him. He’s very soft and plays politics too well for my taste. But then again, I haven’t paid him too much attention until the VP debate and after.

2021-01-08 02:05:55 UTC  

I didn't either because he never was in the public eye very much.

2021-01-08 02:34:19 UTC  

I didn’t look into it but I heard he caved to the left. If that’s true, that far outweighs being a great public speaker

2021-01-08 02:53:04 UTC  

pence caved and has even before 2016

2021-01-08 03:22:34 UTC  

then why did trump pick him?

2021-01-08 03:45:25 UTC  

I think it was because it was too late and at that point it was better to have him close and monitored than a free agent

2021-01-08 03:46:00 UTC  

fair enough

2021-01-08 05:12:34 UTC  

This says a lot...

2021-01-08 05:24:41 UTC  

Pence was great as a Vice President and while handling the coronavirus. But, he isn't very loyal and lacked the determination for a Trump presidency or commission.

2021-01-08 18:02:48 UTC  

hes just didnt want to make the situation worse

2021-01-08 20:36:32 UTC  

Death is too good for traitors

2021-01-08 21:09:50 UTC  

Pence did everything he needed to. He followed the Constitution to the letter

2021-01-10 18:40:50 UTC  

100%, The Old Testament is an incredibly valid and relevant document. Eye for an eye is the proverb root for 'the punishment must fit the crime.' What I'm saying is that your ever so important insight that the higher law is not something that a government can enforce, and the lesser law is still a fundamental and moral cornerstone for how we must govorn ourselves. I think I confused myself by saying that we live the higher law, but forgot what that that was just removing the lamb sacrifice and etc all other stuff associated because that was fulfilled. So sorry on my part.

2021-01-10 19:31:45 UTC  

Although seeing the future would be cool it would probably be disturbing and I would be better off not knowing

2021-01-10 19:34:21 UTC  

Hmm? wdym by "What I'm saying is that your ever so important insight that the higher law is not something that a government can enforce, and the lesser law is still a fundamental and moral cornerstone for how we must govern ourselves." Could you repeat it differently?
If I understand your statement correctly, I never said something like that. God's Laws are meant for man, so the laws of our country should always follow the moral standard set by the Lord.

2021-01-10 19:46:25 UTC  

The way government is set up is very worldly. Obviously. This is because everybody sucks, in other words nobody is perfect. So if a government is set up with perfect forgiveness and eternal love, it will fall apart because that is not a system that man can maintain without corruption. We gotta wait for the second coming for that. So I guess I see it this way

Old Testament: General conduct

New Testament: Personal conduct

2021-01-10 19:46:46 UTC  

I can't remember how I related this to the death penalty tho

2021-01-10 19:50:46 UTC  

It depends on the situation. I believe it's certainly morally justifiable in certain cases, but all circumstances must be taken into account, including the remorse of the individual who committed the crime.

2021-01-10 20:18:52 UTC  

Bravo! I saw fantastic dialogue and argumentation from you. Without proper justice, perpetrators would not fear for the crimes they commit

2021-01-10 23:15:42 UTC  

Thank you. That is a a wonderful summation of my points.

2021-01-10 23:47:20 UTC  

That's right. However, I should stress that we must be strict. The Death Penalty must be purposeful. We cannot use it too Liberally, and we cannot shelf it entirely either. Kidnapping a couple, putting them in the back of your truck. Shooting them, and setting the car on fire because the wife survived, all while you ignore their cries for help, and pleas that you turn to Christ and stop doing evil, is no accident. If their is to be any remorse from people on Death row; It should be treated with a high degree of skepticism. Most of these inmates are mentally and emotionally unstable or ill. I doubt they have the full capacity to repent or to even fake it. But, some could easily fake regret, especially psychopaths and sociopaths. It isn't simple to objectively determine whether someone is lying. Lie detector's are an option, but I've heard that they are easily faked and unreliable against people who have proper knowledge of how to forge a testimony. We should give everyone a chance, at least one. So, if there is to be any forgiveness, It must be done properly. So, should they be required to see the errors of their ways before being convicted? Well, we can't let a guilty man go without trial. Considering the great evil they have possibly committed. Are we going accept their apologies after they plea innocent, and then are found guilty? Are we really going to forgive them of the death penalty because they plea guilty?

2021-01-10 23:50:00 UTC  

The question I want answered is, if a death row inmate, who has been justly convicted, is truly repentant, why should he be set free? Since, he is truly repentant he can have eternal life when he dies. Isn't preferable for him to go to heaven? Do we let criminals off Scott free because they were sorry? Well, at this level of crime it seems unacceptable and unjust. I'm certain that, if this death inmate had spoke to God, recognized what he did as evil, asked for forgiveness, and vowed to sin no more. He would be welcomed into God's kingdom. It sounds nice to let this 'miracle' person Scott free and redeem himself. But, again; Can we quantify how sorry someone is? Can we objectively prove it? Is it worth the risk, to let him go? I'm not against mercy. I would let him go, if I knew without a shadow of a doubt that he had received salvation. But, we can't let them free without limits, on a whim. I'm thinking that whether they regret it or not is irrelevant. Because we are not God, only God knows his sons from the unfaithful. Being rightfully convicted, and judged with the death penalty. Makes me believe that you have to be extremely evil, and unfaithful in God.

2021-01-10 23:53:09 UTC  

Btw, my comments aren't in opposition to anyone's thoughts. I don't have a large disagreement with anyone here so far. I was simply expanding upon the conversation of the Death penalty.