
Discord ID: 675735522894675982

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I've been plotting mine over the course of Quarantine, I wonder where I will be by the time it's over

@Boomy Well I pretty much became aware of politics in May, and everything crazy that has happened this summer has pulled me farther to the right, so I figured I'd document it

I've taken it every month since May, and plot the beginning and the end. I like graphs like that

Where's that test?

I garentee I'm a 0%

It was the death penalty question, otherwise I'm a 0

That's the most center I've ever seen

Just found this test

Im a core conservative

2020-09-30 11:56:27 UTC [Zeducation #👨🏻|dad-jokes]  

that's unbearable

100%, The Old Testament is an incredibly valid and relevant document. Eye for an eye is the proverb root for 'the punishment must fit the crime.' What I'm saying is that your ever so important insight that the higher law is not something that a government can enforce, and the lesser law is still a fundamental and moral cornerstone for how we must govorn ourselves. I think I confused myself by saying that we live the higher law, but forgot what that that was just removing the lamb sacrifice and etc all other stuff associated because that was fulfilled. So sorry on my part.

The way government is set up is very worldly. Obviously. This is because everybody sucks, in other words nobody is perfect. So if a government is set up with perfect forgiveness and eternal love, it will fall apart because that is not a system that man can maintain without corruption. We gotta wait for the second coming for that. So I guess I see it this way

Old Testament: General conduct

New Testament: Personal conduct

I can't remember how I related this to the death penalty tho

I'm a little late on this

At least I'm not autistic

>Eagerly takes a ride downtown

Ladies and gentlemen, I have achieved comedy

I'm a little more libertarian than I thought

In March, I was just 1 point to the right, and 3 or 4 points up

I act a little more homophobic than I thought I did

I don't think that's nessisarily a bad thing

So that's probably why


I agree ⬆️

Me since I started paying attention to politics

My official guess for IQ is around 100.

We will see

Proof I'm a genius. That's a spread of +1

Above Average Brain Gang

Big brain ⬆️

2021-01-26 02:45:38 UTC [Zeducation #⛔|cursed-memes]

2021-01-26 03:05:12 UTC [Zeducation #⛔|cursed-memes]

2021-01-28 03:30:29 UTC [Zeducation #⏳|history-memes]

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