Message from @Lisabella87
Discord ID: 731725791595069462
Blm is racist and nobody can deny that
I t ' s o v e r 9 0 0 0 !
I got zero
I seem to always land in Centrist territory and I have dropped in my rank and gone a little left, I consider myself a Conservative. Am I right for that or wrong?
Feel like the progressive left is slowly transitioning down to that lower corner, while the right has been moving more toward the libertarian corner.
I tested negative for blm
I think its pinned@Lisabella87
@[TDE] Smokie thank you
Thats what I'm here for
@[TDE] Smokie Im still trying to get familiarized with the channels etc... Iām new š
All good! Feel free to ask questions. Everyone here is more than happy to help out
which test is that?
> which test is that?
np š
I'm a little surprised, but there were only 3 options for each question.
i find it more clear
the other one, that is popular has me confused
and is left biased
in their questions
many of the answers would be, "Well, that depends" for me
yeah, which is why i put maybe on some answers
but other than that its a pretty good one
straight to the point