Message from @ShadowHunter
Discord ID: 731625703904116909
The concept itself is terrible
but it gets worse when it's exclusive to a group based on race
and we're the racist ones here
Also there was a question about black immigrants that said end all deportations of black immigrants, like are they talking about illegal black immigrants or legal black immigrants?
I feel like every immigrant is a legal one according to liberal logic
"Kein Mensch ist illegal" - "No human is illegal" German leftists spit this all the time
Blm is racist and nobody can deny that
I t ' s o v e r 9 0 0 0 !
I got zero
I seem to always land in Centrist territory and I have dropped in my rank and gone a little left, I consider myself a Conservative. Am I right for that or wrong?
Feel like the progressive left is slowly transitioning down to that lower corner, while the right has been moving more toward the libertarian corner.
I tested negative for blm
@Nate S. what is the website to take this test???
I think its pinned@Lisabella87
@[TDE] Smokie thank you
Thats what I'm here for
@[TDE] Smokie Im still trying to get familiarized with the channels etc... Iām new š
All good! Feel free to ask questions. Everyone here is more than happy to help out
which test is that?
> which test is that?
np š
I'm a little surprised, but there were only 3 options for each question.
i find it more clear