Message from @AwH07

Discord ID: 770846256976887828

2020-10-26 06:52:23 UTC

2020-10-26 08:09:58 UTC

2020-10-26 10:17:46 UTC  

hmm, I just took the isidewith political test, and it placed me 82% "constitution party", and 79% libertarian party. I never heard of constitution party, and when I looked it up the whole "biblical" thing kinda throws me off as a devout atheist (yes, humor). Maybe this group sponsors the test?

Two things I very much disagree with that party about is it's negative views on same sex marriage (even against any form of legally recognized union) and suppressing nsfw artwork or "obscenity". Abolishing FDA is also kind of silly.

There is so much I agree with, but I find the religious themed morality laws which restrict certain harmless liberties contrarian to my core ideology. Which seems a shame given how many issues I *really* agree with such as:
1.) never discriminate, not even 'positively'
2.) Pro-jury nullification
3.) many more limiting current federal violations of amendment.

2020-10-26 10:18:45 UTC  

if I look at the compass, I am far closer to libertarian than constitution parties, so I find the previous percent misleading

2020-10-26 10:36:35 UTC  

Someone needs to make an Authoritarian party.

2020-10-26 11:52:33 UTC  

Imagine a anarchist party. That would be stupid af

2020-10-26 14:14:10 UTC  

Still centre left libertarian

2020-10-26 14:17:01 UTC  

> Imagine a anarchist party. That would be stupid af
@DolphinBoi im in a other server there a stupid anarchist and he always argue with a proud fascist

2020-10-26 15:31:51 UTC  

I joined a commie server thinking it was a joke... it wasn't and I was promptly banned

2020-10-26 17:19:57 UTC  

I find it funny when leftists join this server and call us intolerant when they ban anyone who disagree instantly.

2020-10-26 17:43:12 UTC  

The tolerant left

Honestly no joke I was in a GSA full of lefties because my sister was in it and I wanted to support her. Well I walk in with my rotc stuff from pt and they instantly threw me out without me even saying a word, calling me a bigot, and a nazi lover, basically the whole 9 yards. They also threw out my sister who was lesbian, and where calling her a bunch of hateful things, ever since then she keeps me out of anything to do with her girlfriends & friends because she is afraid that will happen again.

They basically got triggered by a leadership program like boy scouts or police explorers. They claim to be tolerant but at the end of the day they also kicked out one of their own because I was her brother who was just there to support her. My sister was already shy to begin with but after that she didn't talk to anyone at that school.

I reported the program to the staff but the only thing they did was suspend the students and kept the program...

2020-10-27 00:33:46 UTC  

Oof, sucks for your sister, even if they were psychos

2020-10-27 14:30:32 UTC

2020-10-27 14:30:58 UTC  

Idk how i got brian caroll

2020-10-27 14:31:05 UTC  

Cuz i hate socialism

2020-10-28 02:06:10 UTC  

Don't worry i got this

2020-10-28 02:06:30 UTC  

when i also had this

2020-10-28 03:07:49 UTC  

my 9axes test

2020-10-28 03:08:05 UTC  

I got globalist a lot more than I thought I would

2020-10-28 06:51:52 UTC

2020-10-28 12:55:37 UTC

2020-10-28 17:26:21 UTC  

makes sense

2020-10-28 17:26:35 UTC

2020-10-28 17:27:14 UTC  

I never really liked 9Axes

2020-10-28 18:28:47 UTC  

See, it's trying to call me statist. Yuck.

2020-10-28 18:28:55 UTC  

Its questions are very vague and complex at times

2020-10-28 19:44:47 UTC  

oooh, we got oppisite results, but isn't it how cool how civil we have been to each other

2020-10-28 20:56:01 UTC

2020-10-28 22:09:23 UTC  

> oooh, we got oppisite results, but isn't it how cool how civil we have been to each other
@chaz Political sides don't determine how civil one is

2020-10-28 22:21:41 UTC  

no, I was comending people civility when the media wants to divide us

2020-10-28 23:46:35 UTC

2020-10-28 23:48:26 UTC  

What the hell is Decelerationism

2020-10-28 23:49:20 UTC  

Less technology

2020-10-28 23:53:00 UTC  

oh ok

2020-10-29 02:24:07 UTC

2020-10-29 02:43:25 UTC  

Where do I take such tests

2020-10-29 02:44:27 UTC  

Check pinned messages