Message from @ninni._.burninni

Discord ID: 757683905896644828

2020-09-21 06:12:13 UTC  

Lol just saw the girls can do anything shirt..... we can until we need to lift something heavy

2020-09-21 06:16:55 UTC  

Girls cant do everything

2020-09-21 06:17:27 UTC

2020-09-21 07:24:32 UTC  

.warn @sikTh no videos with the n word

2020-09-21 07:24:33 UTC  

2020-09-21 13:32:39 UTC  

.warn @JoJo Please do not self promote here. Rule 3.

2020-09-21 13:32:40 UTC  

2020-09-21 13:35:18 UTC  

@Froski Please check that rule with discod owner, pleae. I am NOT self promoting, I share this discord link in other discords, yours is the 1st one that does not allow sharing of OTHERS discords that are NOT theirs in any way shape or form? Odd, #UNITEDWESTAND

2020-09-21 13:36:50 UTC  

@JoJo Rule 3 is there for good reason. We don't want people to share other discords here because we don't want to have other's try to make affiliations on our behalf. That being said, you didn't share a discord server link, you shared a link to your Parler account.

2020-09-21 13:37:42 UTC  

We need freedom of speech we need to stand together, this is a left leaning discord that NEEDS conservative constitutional voices, i was asking other Patriots for help, please don't silence me, i get enough of that on twitter, youtube and Facebook

2020-09-21 13:38:13 UTC  

Read the <#719770967542333442>.

2020-09-21 13:38:56 UTC  

The link was to my post on twitter, where i posted all the info, i just cut and pasted from twitter (Parler doesn't silence a call for Patriots help)

2020-09-21 13:40:05 UTC  

We have rules. You are expected to follow these rules. The "server owner" is Tyler Zed who made the rules. Just because you are upset that you don't get to self promote or promote for other servers does not change these rules.

2020-09-21 13:42:31 UTC  

Thank you, sad to leave, love the guy, but this is not a discord for me if a Patriot American is making a plee for help in a discord I am being over run in. Holding the line and fighting hard with my conservative voice. There is no way for me to ask for a United we Stand help, then I must leave.

2020-09-21 13:43:15 UTC  

God Bless

2020-09-21 19:25:20 UTC

2020-09-21 19:38:48 UTC

2020-09-21 19:54:54 UTC

2020-09-21 19:55:08 UTC

2020-09-21 19:55:12 UTC

2020-09-21 19:55:16 UTC

2020-09-21 21:30:33 UTC  

sarcasm of the left lives well in matt walsh

2020-09-21 23:36:00 UTC  

That's a lot of money

2020-09-22 03:21:41 UTC  


2020-09-22 03:26:59 UTC  

she wishes she had been aborted? Hmm.. well, she's in luck. The Dems are supporting post-birth abortions, so she can get one.

2020-09-22 03:39:48 UTC  

well we can always legalize carmageddon ...and she can protest on some highway and get her wish

2020-09-22 16:08:01 UTC  

Got Milk?

2020-09-22 17:15:38 UTC  

Setting: Wilderness First Aid Class
We just come out of the classroom after watching first aid videos and are going outside to apply the skills. Some of us take off masks/shields.
Dude with mask, looking at dude with no mask: “You have to put a mask on”
Dude w/o mask: “But we’re outside”
Dude w/ mask: “The county just mandated masks outside with large groups of other people”
Dude w/o mask: “Yeah, but how are they even going to enforce that?”
Dude w/ mask (in a pretentious college student voice): “They count on the university to enforce it”
Dude w/o mask: “Then I guess I’ll just do this whenever they come by”
Dude w/o mask: flippin’ jumps backwards five feet away from the group without looking behind him

Doesn’t put on mask


2020-09-22 17:33:29 UTC

2020-09-22 17:34:15 UTC  

u do realize u can do covid talk in covid-news

2020-09-22 17:34:44 UTC  

Ok so this was my response to my English teacher who had us respond to a article form the Oprah Winfrey show about why we shouldn't be proud to he american

2020-09-22 17:35:49 UTC  

i think i would reply with - so i guess all of north america, central and south america should be ashamed to be in the americas nations

2020-09-22 17:36:51 UTC  

ya gotta teach geography to the english teacher because sometimes they forget where they are and what they're talking about