Message from @Meathead
Discord ID: 773311209519710278
so imma edit it and submit again still kepping the best parts of bashing the left, and if she grades it poorly again then imma call the principal
I'm officially a mansplainer
lets go boys
Didn't know where to put this
I send lemonparty pics to all the political text I get
@deadlylogic That’s ridiculous.. Hope she doesn’t “forget” to mention anything else.. 🙄
an actual thing on my math paper
@Al <3 knowing her she will
hasnt been the first time either
I’m sorry to hear that @deadlylogic ...
yep, public school in a nutshell
*state education
@deadlylogic Is sad how history means nothing to the public school system.. Even more so how they seem to despise it. “Those who don’t know history are doomed to repeat it” and it seems that’s the path we’re headed down.
that this nation, under God, shall have a new birth of freedom and that government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth. – Abraham Lincoln Nov 1863
Together we win.
How swing states are projected rn
Don’t lose hope y’all liberals: REAGAn WoulD hAtE TruMP Also Reagan:
How is Illinois blue?!
It is like that for several states
This is for the house
Lets go ahead and pour some gas on Bidens chances of getting into office