Message from @AutisticOtaku789

Discord ID: 782944818216435713

2020-11-29 18:49:55 UTC  

This video contains very high frequencies of sound that require a warning. This a warning to promptly turn down the volume on your audio devices. Thank you and enjoy.

2020-11-29 18:50:45 UTC

2020-11-29 19:43:00 UTC  

Here is my Tumblr page if anybody is interested:

2020-11-29 19:47:15 UTC  

The dragon is cool

2020-11-29 21:05:51 UTC  
2020-11-29 23:07:28 UTC  

This is the "Kraken" at Powell released in Georgia.

2020-11-29 23:47:31 UTC  

if yall want a funky vibe for a song try this out

2020-11-30 00:00:17 UTC  

a democracy truth musical -

2020-11-30 05:18:10 UTC

2020-11-30 05:56:49 UTC  
2020-11-30 10:53:21 UTC

2020-11-30 12:22:22 UTC  

Wait what

2020-11-30 12:22:33 UTC  

Did my post get removed

2020-11-30 12:23:11 UTC  

What's the meaning of this

2020-12-01 00:53:05 UTC  

Hey Everyone, I just came across this video on YouTube. This teenage girl got severely burned several years ago after a friendsgiving hangout bonfire went wrong. Just a reminder to everyone who may be doing stuff for Christmas that fire is no joke and it is not to be played with! Be careful out there.

2020-12-01 06:30:06 UTC  


2020-12-01 07:17:08 UTC  

I wrote an article for the first time! feel free to take a look if interested

2020-12-01 07:30:40 UTC  

That God Damned FLASHBANG

2020-12-01 08:12:35 UTC  

*door breaks open* FBI ON THE FLOOR

2020-12-01 17:08:03 UTC  

apparently I am like 1 of a grand total of 3 conservatives on medium

2020-12-01 17:09:02 UTC  

the site is just rife with SJWs, its quite unbelievable theres such a lack of conservatives on a frequently business-related site

2020-12-01 21:13:51 UTC  

My election prediction

2020-12-02 03:35:13 UTC

2020-12-02 18:08:24 UTC  

Thought this was funny that a house delegation came down to picking out of a hat

2020-12-02 18:58:54 UTC

2020-12-02 18:58:54 UTC  

stupid libtard kids

2020-12-02 19:25:58 UTC  

What’s that

2020-12-02 21:34:46 UTC  

I wrote this 5 years ago today.
I was watching a video that was posted showing National Guard troops that went and rounded up the left over pieces of an American flag that a bunch of Ferguson rioters had burned. A "man" who was video taping the event asked them why they cared about the flag. it wasn't their flag and it was just a piece of cloth. That really angered me. Not just the burning of the flag but attitude about the flag being "just a piece of cloth";.
If you say the flag is just a piece of cloth then you are saying that America is just another country.
Saying the flag is just a piece of cloth is saying that the blood shed by our forefathers was just liquid.
Saying the flag is just a piece of cloth is saying that being a soldier, sailor, marine, Airman is just a job.
Saying the flag is just a piece of cloth is saying that Freedom is just a word and Liberty just an idea.
Our flag is not just a piece of cloth it is the symbol of American exceptionalism and uniqueness in this world (Despite what Obama says)
It stands for the blood and sweat that was shed to give us the freedoms we have today. It stands for what other countries want to be. Why do you think so many people want to come here and be like us? Why do you think our enemies hate us? It is because of what the Red white and blue stand for.
When I hear the Star Spangled banner I tear up every time. Because i love the flag and what it went through the night that Francis Scott Key the night he penned the poem that became the song.
The American Flag is not just a piece of cloth it is the symbol and memorial for every person who laid down their life for the Country it flies over. If it offends you then you are in the wrong place. The flag is the grand old flag of our fore fathers. it is the banner of liberty and prosperity.
There is a lot more to the American Flag than just cloth. It is Life Liberty and Justice.

2020-12-02 23:23:13 UTC