Message from @Armenelos
Discord ID: 729436476076458035
Gonna need an iceberg for that burn
biden is toast period
Since Trump has been talking about 10 year minimum prison sentence for anyone who burns an American flag, "people" have been burning the Trump campaign flag!!!
My response... I hope we can convince them 4chan style to keep up the good work 🤑
unless the flags are fireproof
Oh, trust me. "Fire-proof" only really means "fire-resistant."
(oh yeah, and hopefully their credit cards will be shut off for supporting the Trump mine did.)
Wait, the company seriously black flagged you for that?
Walking like they were at a soldier burial is incredibly rude too. @KumquatLord Yes. If you want I can tell you all about it in <#707691030748594292>
It's cool, thanks tho
> (oh yeah, and hopefully their credit cards will be shut off for supporting the Trump mine did.)
@Armenelos maybe you oughta wear a Che shirt and be a Commie?
Hand these out to your liberal friends. <:AmericanFlag:720120797837918288> <:ScreamingLiberal:720120350947541065>
He's been shattering CNN for years
Dude thats some consistency
Holy moley
There's always been 2 things he is consistent on: the economy and CNN being fake news.
cnn been fake news since it's been created
first impressions for it was as a comedy news network
I can't believe the liberals still fall for it (fake news).. I wonder how far they could go before they lose the 24/7 viewers.. I bet some would still hang on after mass genocide.
even saddam watched cnn
in hell...CNN is how they torture souls in hell. There is punishment over there they can be cruel.
Memes only.plz