
Discord ID: 165938915239395328

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A) Make Pelosi look the part


The XB-70 Valkyrie

The Vatican has a wall

Hell yeah

Who will pay for it?

Tri-care is cheap enough for me

Vermin Supreme will give a free mandatory pony though


I have seen a flying half circle

It was daylight, the object was dark. Not really any known military tests in Alaska about a decade ago

We all know the aliens took away all of the people on the left who care about black on black crime.


I walk the line

I am subbed to his snap

Guns Central is a good thing to subscribe to on Snap Chat

First time I took the ASVAB, I got a 90... didn’t do the best with automotive mechanics because I don’t have much experience in that area.

I tried for ROTC scholarships in a few branches, but I wasn’t picked when my package came to multiple boards.

My USAF PT score was a 96%

Did AJROTC all of HS

I am heavily considering enlisting in the USAF Reserve and paying for a few years of college that way, along with doing ROTC.

Probably will reapply for an ROTC scholarship anyway, recycling most of my info, but I will see if my old AJROTC instructor can get me a letter from the state senator he knows. My grades, PT were on point, but I thought my interview went well.

Don’t self promo... Leftist trolls might dox you

Only you can prevent laughing


John Doyle is good

Hello there

So uncivilized the mind of a teen

When you get a 96% on the Conservatism test, liberals be like<:emoji_9:723005092764319776> <:ScreamingLiberal:720120350947541065> <:Greta:720119386668531763> <:emoji_10:723010351150661655>

Gonna break their ankles

The questions on are not confusing, unlike the Political Compass test

The media is going to complain that the First Lady clapped before the President. Bet

Just go to Fox website and it is there.

Hehe Space Force flag is before Coast Guard <:TrumpSmile:720121948088041513>

Their camera man had to go to the restroom

@michael alt, yes I live in the last frontier.

Koniggratzer march is a nice song

“Here’s the deal if we have any issues that I will be doing on my own time I will be there at five and will have a chat if I have a chance I will give it a call when I can talk about to be sure I can do that.” Apple’s Joe Biden

I am related to 2 US Presidents, one of them was a Republican, and a famous German WW1 Ace.

The other was a Whig

Old fashioned Democrat Preston Brooks vs Abolitionist Republican Charles Sumner

@michael depends how old your child is. If they are 21 it is fine lol

Going to go eat some beer bread🤫

I just reported Youtube’s hate speech policy for hate speech.

Life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness must be the things some Europeans hate to have.

My great grandfather was stationed in Archangel Russia in WW1 to fight the reds

Saw a Dream Lifter today


Can one of the <@&719764873759686687> take a look at the last video post in the firearms channel. I feel like you guys have gone over this before.


Even though it is a meme...

Hello there


A mother of a 3 year old was shot and killed after BLM supporters walked by and said black lives matter, to which the victim responded All Lives Matter. An argument ensued they each pulled weapons but they walked away from each other. The BLM supporters then turned around and shot the woman 3 times (1 time in the head and 2 elsewhere) killing her. Media refuses to tell what really happened.

I made a Cessna out of materials much like what you are making that out of. Don’t throw it btw. It will likely nose dive and the wings will break off.

I know from experience.

I no longer have the cessna... I put it in my fire pit a few years ago and it looked amazing when it was on fire

Grain of common sense

This is my body, broken for you, take and eat.

Iron Cross predated the wars by many years

Monty Python: You mean Niiiiii

We have kinda gotten off the topic of aerospace

Let’s take it to <#727615870385389638> maybe

Looks HUGE. I know zeppelins are big but I didn’t think that big compared to a person.

Actually, I kinda do think that could be a hangar because it looks like the far end is a door that slides open curving

No kid in high school should have to sign up for SSS then @Billy.

Selective Service System


We are just as much a democracy as china is a republic

I hear Russia tested an anti satellite weapon in space.

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