Message from @Team Yell Kammy
Discord ID: 727905632543571998
thats a pog
this true?
i dont play cod so i wouldent know really other than i do know the chat in COD is ver toxic
Thats fuqin hilarious
Well.... There are the Mii fighters if that counts.
That's basically saying that I refunded all my points to put in intelligence
What about the Super Gina Sisters for the Commodore 64?
Or was is the Amiga...?
What about Mrs Packman?
That too!
How about the the first non binary character in a video game? The Pong paddle!
@Plague Doctor Lawrence From what I can tell Metroid is 86, Super Gina is 87. Either way Last of us was not the first by far.
(It’s joke)
This dude was probably born this year or has been taking stupid pills for a long time.
A quick search would have told him differently. There needs to be a report stupid button on twitter
^ VERY YES!!! = 1,001%
Then triggered dems would use it on posts they don't like
And then WE use it on theirs!
Or the report stupid button just puts your post up on a special list where everyone can point and laugh. I'm sure thats Targeted Harassment though so it wont happen
Ya but they have the hive mind of ants so they still will get more in
I’m pretty sure that’s a joke post
Everyone knows Lara Croft