Message from @Bobbo
Discord ID: 775711961945210950
Yup, it’s all legit, northing to see here folks, move along now! #VoterFraud #StopTheSteal #WethePeopleStandWithPresidentTrump
Hmmm... there’s something very off about this guy. If only I could put my finger in it. Hmmm... what could it be? #VoterFraud #BidenCrimeFamily #DemocratsCheating #ElectionFraud
I wonder how long it will take #Twitter to #Censor this meme? #VoterCorruption #VoterFraud #BigTechCensorship #BigTechElectionInterference #BigTechCOLLUSION
.warn @Soulman Rule 15. Videos must be less than 30 seconds in meme channels. I love the video though so please share it in <#719777555242287115> 🙂
Not only is she the first ever black woman, her skin tone definitely matches her description
.warn @SpiffyFlyingPig Rule 15. Videos must be less than 30 seconds in meme channels. Please upload this in <#719777555242287115>