Message from @Spooky Scary Stalin
Discord ID: 735484603711750235
You should look at what I just posted in the animal channel
It's only the largest snake that ever existed
@Diabeł Boruta did you get that from Donut Operator?
Another server
ah okay
yeah all twitter did was draw attention to Qanon by banning them + media reporting it. As it has been said many a time... these people are stupid.
Donught operator in the best
@phil55 is that meme in political memes turning into like propaganda for an Idia Chinese war xD
the wrestling one
Lol I know, gotta say I love me some Indian Propaganda
i could see that honestly
@Spooky Scary Stalin literally didn’t see a single person in a place of public not wearing a mask when in close contact to someone else 🥳
Seriously didn’t see anyone not wearing a mask while in a public building , what happens when you touch that mask ??? Huh doesn’t it spread like that too .. touching the mask with viruses is like beat cleaning a dirty carpet 😐 if all it took was shut down for 14 days and virus would be gone ... wouldn’t it have been cheaper than increasing the federal yearly budget by 30%??????
> @Spooky Scary Stalin literally didn’t see a single person in a place of public not wearing a mask when in close contact to someone else 🥳
@AG Personal experiences don’t count as evidence.
Also, since the mask catches most of the droplets from a person’s cough or sneeze, you would most likely have to touch the inside of the mask in order to get the virus on your hands.
If the wearer is infected, and touches the inside of the mask, nothing really happens, because they’re already infected. In most cases I don’t see anyone else touching the inside of another person’s mask.
This sounds too much like merit based hiring! The best person get the job! How dare they!
nature finds a way
read the comments
If you play this game you get the n word pass
> we shouldn't mandate vaccines tho
Sorry I just saw that message
We should mandate vaccines, with medical exemptions only
There’s no good reason (besides a medical condition) that prevents a person from getting vaccinated in most cases
In times of crisis like this, sacrificing a TINY amount of freedom in order to protect others (and in the case of vaccines, yourself as well) is worth it. I’m all for small government but the benefits outweigh the cost here.