Message from @The Radical Raccoon
Discord ID: 740451233583726602
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@Marco Antonio Welp, no hammer and sickle in that Twitter bio, and it uses dots instead of vertical lines to separate the mental illnesses, so I guess that completely defeats the stereotype /s
actually shaggy is the NFAC flexing their guns meanwhile the only people they have yet to have shot is themselves
Aight, tell me now, WHAT THE HELL IS THIS THING?
Is it a horse, or a cow, or a monkey, or a human?
Or some abomination of all those things bred together to form this beast
Is that a mask?
Well, my southwestern instincts say Chupracabra, but its too big for that
Looks kind of like manbearpig.
But it has horse ears
I'm thinking that's a mask or the retarded horse from Adventure Time.
would be good to meme - "honey, ur evil mother is here"
It looks like the love child of a Karen and Dinkleberg
Reminds me of that creepy "long horse" thing
This is mind blowing
But it is Satire
Gets you thinking tho
Can anyone find the meme about the seeds for China that was in General meme dump?
It was a couple days ago
Jeep: "Bonjour."
this is real btw
try it for yourself
@phil55 you have found the picture of the coom beast
Loud video kinda
Regarding the tax dollars meme in <#724105162741907467> from @Jesus Harold Christ: I’m still confused why gay people need paint on a crosswalk to feel valid. An argument could be made that markings on roads meant to communicate things (such as where pedestrians should walk) shouldn’t be in fancy new colors, and if there’s one thing I know about alphabet people, every single individual letter is going to want its pride flag on a crosswalk as well. I’d rather all crosswalks were the same, completely devoid of political messaging, than give the community that invented bugchasers and giftgivers its own crosswalk. Plus, aren’t rainbow crosswalks more expensive to create and maintain than normal ones, especially if you factor in potential trolls who might deliberately deface a rainbow crosswalk who wouldn’t deface a normal one?
You’re making me remember the gayborhood girl
I think the rainbow flag sidewalk is a nice gesture
Shouldn't be done with taxer payer money
Ok, time to get the mustang
waste of my tax dollars