Message from @Ender87
Discord ID: 794440728381882368
U should know this
Some drunk guy was freaking out in a gas station and some guy smashed his face with a can of twisted tea
Ooh okah
context please
who is it
OJ Simpson?
Idk it’s hard to tell
Maybe binladdin
I want to know as well
A toast to the end of 2020.
What if 2020 was just a prelude to the whole decade of the 2020s?
Then it might be time to double down on time travel machines
Well happy New Years to all y’all
well 2021 starts off the new decade
So, are we now getting a 2021 meme chat?
You could suggest it in <#725110151211778098>
Kill all furrys?
We can still make fun of 2020 though right?
Well that was a conversation stopper not a conversation starter...
based and pilled
You nickname is something one wrong thought I would see I am now very confused
*loads Lmg with Crusader intent*
Furry’s are a disgrace to our people, return to the holy way or continue to sin for you will burn in hell
Im gay, libertarian, right wing, and a furry. What more do you want?
Only to not ME PING
For you to burn :)
fur does burn pretty hot
My flamwalfer disagrees
Do you enjoy being shamed? Do you disregard gods gift of human life to you? Again, you things are a disgrace, and deserve nothing but hatred and shame.
so based
auth pilled