Discord ID: 542477905817632768
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LOL i said i dont like BLM in the Pewds discord and EVERYONE said "bruhhhh"
you can tell there al kids cause of there profile pictures are selfies of them wearing some kind of hoodie
that video make me wanna drop some nukes in revenge
cant be in a server without at least one warning
what are all the Nadeko commands?
not suprising at lest there being honest
that has been there goal this entire time
why? @6H0$T 👻😈
what do you mean you dont use them?
oh you mean i cant use them in this server
i dont get it
why dont i have permission to use them?
ok so i understand i cant use them in this sever but what are they?
lol i found a facebook post of a black woman saying to forget about 9/11 cause it was 19 years ago
and some guy said oh like the slavery thing
there getting there asses handed to them
i still laugh knowing they had there own police force around the end
there is a place for it?
this sever has by far the best meme selection i have ever seen
you are all strong in the way of the meme
if you homeless
just buy a house
if you choking just swallow
🙂 my reactions got 16 other people on them 🙂
dude shhhhh he will ban you in North Korea
no u
so Singapore beats people to death for owning a gun
just send a message already
its not fucking rocket science
not mad just mocking him till he sends a message
you sat there typing all that time and thats what you send
i know but he still sat there typing and only sent 6 words
i was muted in a sever for half an hour for making a joke about corn
how come i cant go to
anyone else watching Trumps stream?
Combine Barak Obama a Buff Trump and a burrito in hand
did anyone seen Joe Biden its time for his Meds
you escapes again really
she sounds nice do you know her?
i hate this new YouTube update
my dad told me that the US made the first assault rifle a couple days ago
Germany made the first right?
i cant find the original video of that
and i am really interested
can i put a screenshot in here?
i want to inject with disinfectant though
the light didnt turn green today
i blame Obama
really not liking the Comey Rule
lol you guys should se BowBlax's new video he found an article saying Among us is fascist and supports fascism
i dont know
he does not talk about Politics much its pretty rare
so my friend just told me you can still download TikTok?
i though it was banned 4 days ago
what do you mean they couldnt ban it?
now my friend is defending TikTok 😦
you know
sometimes i cry myself to sleep
because i know that there is people out there that actually support TikTok
i just got home from Sky war 2020
on the way back some guy had a really beaten up car driving down the highway like he was drunk with BLM all over his car
spoopy skelotens
my day be so fiiiine
then boom
how do i enter meme of the week?
yay my meme made it to meme of the week
pingus deletus
so do i just enter meme of the week by posting a meme?
if you ask me google is one big rip off
no one cares about the costumers today 😦
i wish Tik Tok was banned
there is another Joe Biden
if you wanna speak foreign you can go to foreign this is American here we speak American not foreign
no there are three genders
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