Message from @Tsar Vladimir Putin

Discord ID: 770365183964348436

2020-10-26 14:17:50 UTC  

To paraphrase a quote from one of the "Batman" movies: "This Country needs an enema!".

2020-10-26 15:36:56 UTC  

I’m voting a red wave today (with the exception of one local office with no Republican nominee, just independent and dem
Both are shit but one seems less toxic than the other...)

2020-10-26 15:40:33 UTC  

He means organization to stop voter fraud if you watch it in context, he didn't say "organization to commit voter fraud"

2020-10-26 15:51:43 UTC  

This is from a guy in my town who own an Italian restaurant

2020-10-26 15:55:59 UTC  

New poll in from Rasmussen (one of the only ones to correctly guess the 2016 popular vote) has Trump up by 1% nationally. Just shows how much of a spread there is with polls these days. BTW they had him at -3% last week.

2020-10-26 15:58:50 UTC  

The margin of error of all these polls should be 10 points for republicans and -5 for democrats

2020-10-26 16:46:54 UTC  


2020-10-26 17:19:56 UTC  

Found this deep in my photos (back when I actually watched CNN and was a Democrat)

2020-10-26 17:20:06 UTC  

*and trump won them all*

2020-10-26 18:01:39 UTC  

I like how the C is just cut off, so it says "Linton"

2020-10-26 18:30:10 UTC  

Is the channel Let’s Talk Elections Biased

2020-10-26 18:30:20 UTC  

Just a question

2020-10-26 18:45:50 UTC  
2020-10-26 18:46:57 UTC  

@Razzor012 YT Im watching this video: so far a lot of quoting CNN and it does seem very Biased IMO.

2020-10-26 18:53:18 UTC  

"Biden isnt strong in debates. He is strong when he's in front of the teleprompter" @Razzor012 YT This comment from the Video should answer your question 🤣

2020-10-26 18:53:58 UTC  

@MikaSetsu yep, i think it did, i think that channel is trying to demoralise me.

2020-10-26 19:16:12 UTC  

Google trends comparison says it all

2020-10-26 19:16:23 UTC  

Trump 2020 is in blue

2020-10-26 19:17:04 UTC  

If it goes like this on election day Trump will smash Joe so hard

2020-10-26 19:17:54 UTC  

If every state votes blue to align with debate poll I will keel over in pure mirth

2020-10-26 19:22:03 UTC  

poor guy

2020-10-26 19:27:30 UTC  

Honestly, yeah

2020-10-26 19:27:39 UTC  

Should be in memory care

2020-10-26 19:35:41 UTC  

don't think it is that bad yet

2020-10-26 19:42:17 UTC

2020-10-26 19:43:22 UTC  

*almost like saying you'll ban the industry a lot of the state works in will make people concerned...*

2020-10-26 19:50:13 UTC  

The video trump tweeted after the last debate is pretty clear...not just fracking.

2020-10-26 19:57:00 UTC  

one could say it was pretty fraking clear

2020-10-26 19:57:04 UTC  


2020-10-26 20:06:24 UTC  

keep pushing, crooked hillary is scared.

2020-10-26 21:52:15 UTC  

Just got back from voting for the first time
Red wave all the way ❤️
🗳<:USSmily:742652520316534814> 🇺🇸 <:TrumpSmile:720121948088041513>

2020-10-26 21:52:39 UTC  


2020-10-26 22:11:32 UTC  


2020-10-26 23:11:43 UTC  

I'm hoping there's more red in the Northeast this election.