Message from @PRIVILEGED N.P.C.

Discord ID: 780649803909693441

2020-11-24 03:54:04 UTC  

this is WWIII boys. they couldnt beat our military so they used the internet and the media, along with an intricate network of bribed politicians and rigged voting machines to overthrow our government and try to install their own puppets. they assumed we on the right are the same soft headed, weak spined americans they deal with on the left. these sorry sons of bitches are going to find out we're carved out of wood and they'll watch us stomp liberal ass from coast to coast, dump the bodies in the oceans, then get on our war ships and come for them.

2020-11-24 03:58:44 UTC  

they can tear down our statues, they can rewrite our history books; but in a thousand years the world will know few stood against many. the name American will stand next to the name Spartan and i am proud to be a part of that history boys. when these motherfuckers say go let's stomp mud holes through their chests

2020-11-24 04:09:45 UTC  

Possible ballot technologies

2020-11-24 04:11:28 UTC  

i hope it doesnt come to that but they're selling the lie biden won already as hard as they can. fucking most states havent even certified, trumps case is just getting to the supreme court, and they're threatening the transition team to get a go-ahead. boys, when trump wins this in the supreme court, which he will, the left want their side to believe biden already won and djt stole it. i didnt write all this shit to insight violence. but i'm telling you boys to be fucking ready for it when it comes. the setup for this thing is more obvious than the fucking crane kick in the karate kid. they're selling the lie hard so their side fights the legitimate re-election of trump, constitutionally by the courts.

2020-11-24 04:13:11 UTC  

God I love this discord

2020-11-24 04:13:14 UTC  


2020-11-24 04:14:15 UTC  

@sniffles Very true man

2020-11-24 04:15:09 UTC  

This will happen bc Democrats are scared of getting caught because they are going to be

2020-11-24 04:15:54 UTC  

Dynasty warriors libtard edition when he does

2020-11-24 04:16:03 UTC  

Aka mobs and mobs

2020-11-24 04:19:12 UTC  

just means the gsa process can move ahead in visual terms in the early stages ....which is the background check....mostly

2020-11-24 04:20:09 UTC  

doesn't mean it has to be handled by the fbi for background could be handled by the military for all we know...fbi only does 3 levels of background checking...military does 9 levels

2020-11-24 04:20:35 UTC  

somebody about to get royally probed

2020-11-24 04:20:45 UTC  


2020-11-24 04:21:01 UTC  

They are saying that Biden won Michigan

2020-11-24 04:21:08 UTC  

What a bunch of bullshit

2020-11-24 04:22:02 UTC  

And that he is ahead by 3 percent? Yeah get ready for the supreme court stuff to get real

2020-11-24 04:22:58 UTC  

they got it locked down in the supreme court. the justices djt hand picked took over the circuit courts that oversee the disputed states so they can bump it up to the big dance even faster.

2020-11-24 04:23:11 UTC  

people really hated hillary, trump won michigan by a slim margin

2020-11-24 04:23:37 UTC  

She cheated too

2020-11-24 04:23:44 UTC  

Not enough though

2020-11-24 04:24:10 UTC  

otherwise she wouldve asked for a recount and an audit

2020-11-24 04:24:15 UTC  

they didn't pause counting that night to make sure they could stuff the ballots

2020-11-24 04:24:21 UTC  

their mistake

2020-11-24 04:24:29 UTC  

Elections have been pre decided since bill clinton itll all be in the light soon

2020-11-24 04:24:42 UTC  

They need to cover up 911

2020-11-24 04:24:59 UTC  

they figured the 0.75 vs 1.25 would be enough and they were wrong. only bought the gold package from Dominion. 4am shutdown and ballot stuffing is in the Platinum package

2020-11-24 04:25:14 UTC  

I used to think that too, then trump got elected and I was like "oh maybe elections are legit"

2020-11-24 04:25:51 UTC  

It was rigged with trump too remember how mad Hillary was

2020-11-24 04:26:11 UTC  

Wonder why she didnt want investigation

2020-11-24 04:26:14 UTC  

Sometimes the power of the people can be roused, and it's been awhile since that happened.

2020-11-24 04:26:44 UTC  

We need Trump to repeal the Patriot Act. I don't like that the government is spying on everyone.

2020-11-24 04:27:06 UTC  

2018 was a red wave 2020 is a tsunami

2020-11-24 04:29:40 UTC  

Republicans are leading in all of the uncalled house seats

2020-11-24 04:29:46 UTC  

pj... that's Whittle, right?

2020-11-24 04:30:33 UTC  

I don't know anybody else in pjmedia

2020-11-24 04:33:57 UTC  

he's got the law on his side to get all sorts of ballots thrown out in the supreme court just showing that states tried to amend voting laws using courts and executives when the law clearly states that power lies solely in the legislative branch. the new laws those states put through about late voting and whatnot don't exist anymore, all the ballots that rode in on those laws are thrown out.

2020-11-24 04:35:37 UTC  

and the judges so far have been put in power by dems