Message from @NemesisV

Discord ID: 780651548959047712

2020-11-24 04:22:58 UTC  

they got it locked down in the supreme court. the justices djt hand picked took over the circuit courts that oversee the disputed states so they can bump it up to the big dance even faster.

2020-11-24 04:23:11 UTC  

people really hated hillary, trump won michigan by a slim margin

2020-11-24 04:23:37 UTC  

She cheated too

2020-11-24 04:23:44 UTC  

Not enough though

2020-11-24 04:24:10 UTC  

otherwise she wouldve asked for a recount and an audit

2020-11-24 04:24:15 UTC  

they didn't pause counting that night to make sure they could stuff the ballots

2020-11-24 04:24:21 UTC  

their mistake

2020-11-24 04:24:29 UTC  

Elections have been pre decided since bill clinton itll all be in the light soon

2020-11-24 04:24:42 UTC  

They need to cover up 911

2020-11-24 04:24:59 UTC  

they figured the 0.75 vs 1.25 would be enough and they were wrong. only bought the gold package from Dominion. 4am shutdown and ballot stuffing is in the Platinum package

2020-11-24 04:25:14 UTC  

I used to think that too, then trump got elected and I was like "oh maybe elections are legit"

2020-11-24 04:25:51 UTC  

It was rigged with trump too remember how mad Hillary was

2020-11-24 04:26:11 UTC  

Wonder why she didnt want investigation

2020-11-24 04:26:14 UTC  

Sometimes the power of the people can be roused, and it's been awhile since that happened.

2020-11-24 04:26:44 UTC  

We need Trump to repeal the Patriot Act. I don't like that the government is spying on everyone.

2020-11-24 04:27:06 UTC  

2018 was a red wave 2020 is a tsunami

2020-11-24 04:29:40 UTC  

Republicans are leading in all of the uncalled house seats

2020-11-24 04:29:46 UTC  

pj... that's Whittle, right?

2020-11-24 04:30:33 UTC  

I don't know anybody else in pjmedia

2020-11-24 04:33:57 UTC  

he's got the law on his side to get all sorts of ballots thrown out in the supreme court just showing that states tried to amend voting laws using courts and executives when the law clearly states that power lies solely in the legislative branch. the new laws those states put through about late voting and whatnot don't exist anymore, all the ballots that rode in on those laws are thrown out.

2020-11-24 04:35:37 UTC  

and the judges so far have been put in power by dems

2020-11-24 04:37:59 UTC  

“We are grateful to Michigan House lawmakers for not rushing to certify inaccurate election results,” Trump campaign legal adviser Jenna Ellis told Just the News. “We are confident they will share the same concerns once they see the extent of the outright fraud and disregard for the law that happened in Michigan and across the nation. Every American should want to know the truth.”

Does that mean Michigan decided not to certify yet?

2020-11-24 04:38:33 UTC  

i don't even know what to believe anymore

2020-11-24 04:39:08 UTC  

I believe the real court case comes when SCOTUS arrives

2020-11-24 04:39:26 UTC  


2020-11-24 04:39:42 UTC  

You should be following his Telegram

2020-11-24 04:49:57 UTC  

it is better to live ur life as a meme than to be a footnote

2020-11-24 04:50:15 UTC  

especially if it's a cool meme

2020-11-24 04:50:45 UTC  

now is a great time to read Farenheit 451 and 1984. And pay attention to the news everyday. This is how you get street smart. Why would trump team or Powell give evidence to the news for their opposition to study before taking it to court? they wouldnt. everything could be bullshit leading up to the supreme court case just like all the guesses on who will win a UFC fight. there's no saying for sure what's true or not until the supreme court is done.

2020-11-24 04:51:09 UTC  

Time to send the NG!

2020-11-24 04:52:34 UTC  

and most conservative areas have Republican governors, so they can actually deploy the guard

2020-11-24 04:52:54 UTC  

lmao @PRIVILEGED N.P.C. adams rahuba got suspended from twitter over that

2020-11-24 04:53:00 UTC  

@PRIVILEGED N.P.C. Huh, so they are going to act like spoiled children yet again because they aren't getting their way. This is getting old. Bring it on

2020-11-24 04:53:46 UTC  

If I remember correctly you have to give evidence to the opposing side before you take them to court