Message from @Dank_Furry_Pirate

Discord ID: 787139112326266920

2020-12-12 01:19:54 UTC  

^ Insurrection Act too

2020-12-12 01:20:00 UTC  

If only these types of elections existed :)! Haha

2020-12-12 01:20:18 UTC  

“Fair and legal election”

2020-12-12 01:21:45 UTC  


2020-12-12 01:23:06 UTC  

Couldn't really help much even if I wanted to. I've never even shot a gun. I barely know first aid beyond the basics. If things happen around here, I will stay inside. Depending on how close, I may grab a book and hunker down on the floor. Don't know how bulletproof the house is.

2020-12-12 01:23:24 UTC  

Stay inside

2020-12-12 01:27:37 UTC  

Yep. Good thing I'm an introvert who likes staying inside.

2020-12-12 01:39:51 UTC  


2020-12-12 01:39:57 UTC  

That is me as well

2020-12-12 01:51:31 UTC  

Cowabunga it is then. See ya'll in the trenches.

2020-12-12 02:04:29 UTC  

So basically the case isn't over. Texas just doesn't have legal reason to take it the Supreme Court

2020-12-12 02:04:52 UTC  

The case can still go to the SCOTUS through Trump's legal team I believe.

2020-12-12 02:05:06 UTC  

Most likely wrong, but yeah.

2020-12-12 02:05:25 UTC  

It all depends if one of the swing states in question brings the case to SCOTUS themselves

2020-12-12 02:05:31 UTC  


2020-12-12 02:05:33 UTC  

Which I find incredibly unlikely

2020-12-12 02:07:29 UTC  

But what about the people who filed the the sworn affidavits in those said swing states? Does that not count for something? I'm not a lawyer by any means or understand this anyway, but that sounds like something that could get it there.

2020-12-12 02:09:06 UTC  

actually, Texas does have legal reason. the reason why the case was thrown out was due to technicallity errors that Texas is able to fix and resubmit to the Supreme Court, the fight with Texas is far from over

2020-12-12 02:09:15 UTC  

PA legislature might go on SCOTUS i think
They have injury

2020-12-12 02:09:26 UTC  

constitution got violated

2020-12-12 02:09:48 UTC  

yep....and the citizens that took civics in pa know it

2020-12-12 02:10:05 UTC  

alright thanks 🙂

2020-12-12 02:10:15 UTC  

i kept telling locals to vote in person, not mail in ballot

2020-12-12 02:10:23 UTC  

do not listen to what the media is trying to say, they want it to look like the entirety of Texas's case was invalidated and completely thrown out. they are doing this to drive our moral low

2020-12-12 02:11:11 UTC

2020-12-12 02:15:46 UTC  

White-Pill: Texas is STILL in the game, all they have to do is re-appeal the lawsuit to ensure it fits with Article III.

2020-12-12 02:16:13 UTC  

Just like what Sidney Powell did with her Kraken suit with another reason it was denied before.

2020-12-12 02:19:37 UTC  

There's always the...*ahem*....nuclear option, if you catch my drift.

2020-12-12 02:19:42 UTC  


2020-12-12 02:19:58 UTC  

Ah yes, The Japanese Shower. 🙂

2020-12-12 02:20:05 UTC  

Ok, so the Court said TX did not have 'standing', as they weren't injured. But PA was. So, it seems PA is the state to file this and their legislative branch already seems willing. (Edited for clarity.)

2020-12-12 02:34:01 UTC  

What the fuck? I go and have drinks with my wife and the fuckin sky falls?

2020-12-12 02:34:16 UTC  

so SC declined to hear Texas case

2020-12-12 02:34:17 UTC  

now what?

2020-12-12 02:35:51 UTC  

I... Did not expect this. Wtf! Why the hell did scotus betray us?

2020-12-12 02:36:17 UTC  
2020-12-12 02:37:03 UTC  
2020-12-12 02:41:43 UTC  

Is anyone able to confirm if Trump invoked the article 9? I’m not seeing a lot of places reporting on it but I saw one article above in chat saying he did

2020-12-12 02:42:49 UTC  

Even Trump is upset with the developments

2020-12-12 02:43:29 UTC  

Maggie is pretty maga friendly