Message from @Pal3Rid3r

Discord ID: 787120992530333736

2020-12-12 00:28:22 UTC  

and it's not over yet

2020-12-12 00:30:27 UTC  

they have no legal avenue.

2020-12-12 00:30:49 UTC  

Its kinda over at this point

2020-12-12 00:31:07 UTC  

Anything Trump does now to retain power will have a hint of tyranny in it

2020-12-12 00:31:14 UTC  

Martial law, insurrection act

2020-12-12 00:31:27 UTC  

All would show dictator and the other side would never say yes

2020-12-12 00:31:47 UTC  

But to preserve this nation, I say go for it

2020-12-12 00:32:06 UTC  

I honestly dont think anything is going to happen now

2020-12-12 00:32:23 UTC  

Well I think that's Texas' que to leave the chat. See you guys in the war 👋

2020-12-12 00:32:26 UTC  

Everything's just gonna start falling to shit and the media wont be talking about it

2020-12-12 00:32:55 UTC  

there going to double down on the election fraud being frivolous. With scotus's approval.

2020-12-12 00:33:13 UTC  

Not necessarily he still have cases that aren’t based on the same premise

2020-12-12 00:33:17 UTC  

Not much we can say except we never got our day in court.

2020-12-12 00:33:57 UTC  

Are they even allowed to reject it considering all the people with the sworn affidavits?

2020-12-12 00:34:38 UTC  

Not over.

2020-12-12 00:36:13 UTC  

What about Trump's team with their lawsuits?

2020-12-12 00:39:32 UTC  

This whole fiasco may interfere with my plans of joining the National Guard as a Green Beret.

2020-12-12 00:51:53 UTC  

Green beret in the national guard

2020-12-12 00:53:23 UTC  

Yes. From what I read on the sight, you can do it.

2020-12-12 00:57:48 UTC  

We’ve always known there wasn’t going to be an easy way. We’ve always known this was a military op. Trumps still in control He’s still got all his servers and our voting data on them in different countries. Not worried at all. Stock up on beans, bullets, and band aids and be ready to hunker down. It might get loud in your area. Don’t go out and try to help. Just protect yourself and your family. When the shit hits the fan stay inside. 😉

2020-12-12 01:02:19 UTC  

Really wish we'd never have to live through this but glad to have listened to those through history to have gone through this. God bless you all!

2020-12-12 01:04:38 UTC  

Can she even do that?

2020-12-12 01:09:49 UTC  

I am trying to find something to hope for, but I am out of ideas

2020-12-12 01:10:54 UTC  

This mf literally lost, he has no power to invoke the idiocracy of Pelosi

2020-12-12 01:12:01 UTC  

Who lost?

2020-12-12 01:17:49 UTC  

I found some hope...

2020-12-12 01:19:54 UTC  

^ Insurrection Act too

2020-12-12 01:20:00 UTC  

If only these types of elections existed :)! Haha

2020-12-12 01:20:18 UTC  

“Fair and legal election”

2020-12-12 01:21:45 UTC  


2020-12-12 01:23:06 UTC  

Couldn't really help much even if I wanted to. I've never even shot a gun. I barely know first aid beyond the basics. If things happen around here, I will stay inside. Depending on how close, I may grab a book and hunker down on the floor. Don't know how bulletproof the house is.

2020-12-12 01:23:24 UTC  

Stay inside

2020-12-12 01:27:37 UTC  

Yep. Good thing I'm an introvert who likes staying inside.

2020-12-12 01:39:51 UTC  


2020-12-12 01:39:57 UTC  

That is me as well

2020-12-12 01:51:31 UTC  

Cowabunga it is then. See ya'll in the trenches.

2020-12-12 02:04:29 UTC  

So basically the case isn't over. Texas just doesn't have legal reason to take it the Supreme Court

2020-12-12 02:04:52 UTC  

The case can still go to the SCOTUS through Trump's legal team I believe.