Message from @Spectre

Discord ID: 766081247646580787

2020-10-14 13:10:54 UTC  

So, if President Trump speaks up about Turkey and Iran, "he's trying to get us into another war" but if he fails to do so, well then, "why hasn't he done this yet?".

2020-10-14 14:45:12 UTC  
2020-10-14 17:01:14 UTC  

You must eat with your mask on in order to be a passenger I guess...
Also you can't be black, they will get you for that one

2020-10-14 22:03:54 UTC

2020-10-14 22:43:29 UTC  

Yeah, he'd be condemned by the democrats.

2020-10-14 22:45:53 UTC  

Because he would exhort them on why murdering innocent babies is wrong (the 10 commandments), why homosexuality is wrong (genesis, corinthians, etc.), why trying to take away our self protection is wrong (guns) etc.

2020-10-14 22:46:11 UTC  

last time i check, jesus pulled out a whip and beat the crap out of those running a bazzar in the church/temple

2020-10-14 22:48:20 UTC  

I'm not saying the Republicans are perfect by any means whatsoever, but seriously......imagine selectively picking certain parts of an almighty God, but then rejecting the parts of that said God such as the examples I pointed out in my other message just to push a political point. (There are a lot more that I could point out as well)

2020-10-14 23:19:49 UTC  

We can argue that they are discriminating ACB for her religious beliefs. They wouldn't dare bring up Ilhan Omar's.

2020-10-14 23:25:17 UTC  

the bitter irony is ...the dems were the bible thumper party til the aids crisis event

2020-10-14 23:31:23 UTC  

Is aoc talking about the same Jesus as the Jesus in the "In **God** We Trust" 🤔

2020-10-14 23:33:22 UTC  

Funny that she would even mention him in the first place. You what angers me? If you Google the pledge of allegiance, they took out the “under God” part...

2020-10-14 23:37:29 UTC  

Fienstein using the "dogma" schpiel again. Same ol'crap different packaging.

2020-10-14 23:41:49 UTC  

share the shit out of this!

2020-10-15 00:13:36 UTC  

<#730975259678736426> this goes with good news of hope because it's so good that we can have a SCOTUS that does not hate puppies and chinchillas.

2020-10-15 00:36:45 UTC  

Lol... acb's confirmation is in the bag. Slam dunk.

2020-10-15 18:57:35 UTC  

Breaking story on section 230