Discord ID: 154026596863442945
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Got to fire my first gun at my local gun range a few weeks ago.
A Glock (forgot the model), an old-fashioned revolver with the push-iron to reload it, and an AR-15. All used 22 LR.
So I pissed some people off on that BLM Toonami add.
Reminds me of that time they posted the message about ending white supremacy.
Know a good chunk of this stuff from leaks, but I’m glad we finally have a release date.
So fucking cursed:
So how do people feel about a possible Civil War?
The thought terrifies me.
Can't help it. In a Red area, but still in a Blue state.
@CODman4372wx Saw that from TheQuartering. Complete trash to think being a big Nintendo fan makes you left wing.
He's like the one guy I can trust in MSM right now.
God I hate these people.
Socialism is a lot like a joke. You're not suppose to take it seriously.
Teaser for the Doom Eternal DLC music:
Saw that on OneAngryGamer months ago.
Just voted for the first time today.
Balls of steel right there.
Shiny hunting for this thing is a pain in the ass.
How do I download it?
Wish that got announced before the election.
But I like my Pokermans
God damn it I thought we were done with those messages.
Haven't bought it. Trying not to give Activision Blizzard any of my money right now.
Getting a sense of deja vu.
^ Why I have been thinking about applying for an concealed carry license.
Who accurate would you say this video is on Trump and the tariffs he put on China a while back?
Love Nintendo, but to little to late here: https://youtu.be/FsaxLfNhNhQ
I'm gonna need some context.
I just thought it was funny.
Think I am going insane trying to find this thing, but my brain is to numb to notice.
Heard Michigan just certified Biden.
God I'm terrified what will happen if the Democrats will get their way.
Anyone play Pokemon and happen to have this (the shiny)? Willing to trade one of my Mythical Pokemon for it.
Bullshit that's why.
@TRLGuy Love that skin.
Welp, TLOU part 2 won game of the year. The awards now officially mean nothing.
This is the only thing that matters: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JPxcE1dMqL8
Triple packed? Haven't played Cold War zombies. Only know of the ammo types from Black Ops 3.
They also bent the knee to China by refusing to put a game called Devotion, or Devoted, on their online store.
To the person how posted this in <#707963490526298112>, jokes on you, already been told at work that we are getting Easter stuff shipped to us.
Not really news, but are we that screwed? https://youtu.be/qOWfLapcKG8
Much prefer Steve over another FE character.
Anyone here play Mario Kart Tour? Need to add one more friend for a challenge. ID code is 6102 6251 0921.
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