Message from @mr fibsh

Discord ID: 775034151107428352

2020-11-08 05:08:40 UTC  

Let the hell scape begin

2020-11-08 06:05:18 UTC  

Come on

2020-11-08 06:14:07 UTC  


2020-11-08 06:25:51 UTC  

Millennial Millie was digging around and found Mitt Romney had ties to one of the election counting companies that are doing fraud

2020-11-08 08:12:26 UTC  

Mother fucker should be thrown in the slammer

2020-11-08 08:22:44 UTC  

In 2018, Romney requested for Trump's endorsement and received it to win a senate seat in Utah. Now, we see him gnawing back at the president.

2020-11-08 08:24:24 UTC  

yeah Romney is still mad that Trump kicked Hillary's @$$ and he couldn't beat Obama

2020-11-08 08:28:43 UTC  

Spineless Cuck

2020-11-08 14:45:55 UTC  


2020-11-08 14:46:05 UTC  

WOOOOOO <:CrazyAOC:720122172470722570>

2020-11-08 14:47:49 UTC  

I would love to not have her in office again!

2020-11-08 15:50:34 UTC  

If trump pulls through the meltdowns are going to be amazing.

2020-11-08 15:58:09 UTC  

I really hope he does win the courts because that seems to be the theme of 2020. Courts prevailing above the mob.

2020-11-08 16:09:40 UTC  

They say Al Gore got to be president elect for 37 days. Imagine how high Biden supporters and Trump haters will be by then. It's a long way to fall if SCOTUS clips their wings.

2020-11-08 16:15:09 UTC  

yes indeed. They should not be celebrating and shame on the media for misinforming them. This is why I'm calling them the mob.

2020-11-08 16:16:06 UTC  

Their coedependency to MSM can and will be their downfall.

2020-11-08 16:27:49 UTC  

Let's not forget the fact that these people forgot that the virus is still there

2020-11-08 16:28:21 UTC  

They thought that , when biden "won" the virus is over

2020-11-08 16:29:01 UTC  

If he does become president, I wanna see how he handles the spike of covid patients

2020-11-08 16:37:07 UTC  

Meanwhile the media gaslights them with misinformation while the rest of the planet is
rising for their own liberties. The free nation taking freedom for granted.

2020-11-08 16:54:15 UTC  

I have to ask is that "task force" thing even constitutional?

2020-11-08 16:59:46 UTC  

no it's not, if they use American Library association V US department of justice and reno V the ACLU

2020-11-08 17:01:02 UTC  

in a 9-0 decision they ruled speech on the internet was entitled to the highest levels of first amendment protections similar to what is granted to books and news papers

2020-11-08 17:03:13 UTC  

not even sworn in and is going to get into fights with the supreme court

2020-11-08 17:04:10 UTC  

yeah the right needs a civil liberties group

2020-11-08 17:06:56 UTC  

R.A.V. v. St. Paul, 505 U.S. 377, 112 S.Ct. 2538, 120 L.Ed.2d. 305 (1992): St. Paul, Minnesota passed an ordinance that banned "hate speech," any expression, such as a burning cross or swastika, that might arouse anger, alarm, or resentment in others on the basis of race, color, religion, or gender. The Supreme Court struck the ordinance down as unconstitutionally discriminating based on the content of expression: the law banned only fighting words that insult based on race, religion, or gender, while abusive invective aimed at someone on the basis of political affiliation or sexual orientation would be permissible. The law thus reflected only the city's special hostility towards certain biases and not others, which is what the First Amendment forbids.

2020-11-08 17:07:02 UTC  

could use this as well

2020-11-08 17:07:31 UTC  

its not hate speech if its against white people or spoken from a "POC"

2020-11-08 17:08:02 UTC  

cause only white people can be racist hurr durr

2020-11-08 17:08:04 UTC  

supreme court doesn't do that, least it shouldn't

2020-11-08 17:08:38 UTC  

depends on how deep the leftist bs has gotten

2020-11-08 17:08:44 UTC  

in all I could see it as them attempting this shit and getting slapped by the supreme court

2020-11-08 17:08:59 UTC  

at 6 to 3 yeah

2020-11-08 17:09:09 UTC  

or 5 to 4 what ever it is

2020-11-08 17:09:28 UTC  

we've gotten less activists judges now

2020-11-08 17:09:39 UTC  

Thank god

2020-11-08 17:09:41 UTC  

but they are still there

2020-11-08 17:09:56 UTC  

i can see this and im in new zealand