Message from @elgo

Discord ID: 796905084314714142

2021-01-07 21:38:56 UTC  

@Caramon Majere I'm pointing out the system they're fighting against was designed to stop them from collaborating. So sure people might lose their jobs and the ones that went in the capital will go to jail. I'd ask you to define death and the speed at which it is acceptable? You should remember the tools of government are as powerful and deadly as swords or muskets when implemented against the governed.

2021-01-07 21:44:50 UTC  

I think you know what death means.

Rushing the capitol was a terrible idea that solved absolutely nothing. All it did was turn any normie away who might've had suspicions over the election. At the same time, every legislislator can now use the violence as an excuse to push Biden through.

It was the dumbest idea possible, perpetrated by reactionary children.

2021-01-07 21:46:35 UTC  

And you can top that shit sandwich with knowing that Big Tech now has carte blanche to censor conservatives.

2021-01-07 22:06:31 UTC  

The tea made it overboard. The king already hated you. What do now?

2021-01-07 22:12:29 UTC  

@Caramon Majere were you there. No one "rushed" the capital until the crooked legislature called in riot police,swat teams, and ,the FBI in to push people around.

2021-01-07 22:12:57 UTC  

unless the rumors to rush into the capitol was true and those laptops were seized are true

2021-01-07 22:14:31 UTC  

"When" doesn't matter. It happened. @natdawg

2021-01-07 22:15:08 UTC  

I would have a plan in place before doing something stupid. Much like the founders did. @Knot2be

2021-01-07 22:15:11 UTC  

As for all the "normies" there were at least 500000 people there

2021-01-07 22:16:01 UTC  

And the public only sees and hears "Trump Supporters"

2021-01-07 22:18:01 UTC  

Look at how the media twisted the BLM riots. They did the same thing with yeaterdays protest and it wouldnt have mattered if the Capitol got broke into or not they would have made us look like the villains

2021-01-07 22:20:27 UTC  

We _ALL_ know the media twists the narrative. So why would you just hand them good footage on a silver platter? That's a pretty dumb idea, unless you have a way to take advantage of that.

What advantage was gained here? @natdawg

2021-01-07 22:58:28 UTC  

Sara A. Carter on Twitter: ".@JohnBrennan has done a great disservice to @CIA and politicized the intelligence community against a sitting US president. Moreover, he has continually lied about 'Steele Dossier.' (1)" / Twitter

2021-01-07 23:01:10 UTC  

why are we reposting things constantly

2021-01-07 23:17:28 UTC  

History is written by the winners, its fucked up, but that's just the way it is

2021-01-07 23:19:09 UTC  

Can you stop? This is what started that and cause people to turn their support. Our forefathers would be shocked that we have sales tax on everything, the very reason they started the tea party. Stop acting like your the patriotic gatekeeper

2021-01-08 00:56:17 UTC  
2021-01-08 02:39:19 UTC  

Did this ever come up here?

2021-01-08 02:46:52 UTC  

If it did it was drowned out by "election" news

2021-01-08 02:49:43 UTC  

@Caramon Majere it's making a statement to the government that we are no longer going to sit and be silent. The silent majority has lasted for too long. It's time for the true patriotic Americans to stand up and say no more without worrying about how the media tries to twist it.

2021-01-08 03:12:23 UTC  

fuck yes

2021-01-08 04:52:15 UTC  

I'm saying it

2021-01-08 04:52:33 UTC  

George Papadopoulos didn't kill himself

2021-01-08 04:52:55 UTC  

And Epstein too

2021-01-08 04:53:00 UTC  

Remember that people

2021-01-08 05:18:42 UTC  

Antifa confirmed at Trump rally Jan, 6th

2021-01-08 07:36:52 UTC  

Don't forget Biden. He didn't (future tense) kill himself either.

2021-01-08 12:18:00 UTC  

Just in: A judge in Baghdad's investigative court has issued an arrest warrant for outgoing US President Trump, over the killing of an Iraqi paramilitary leader during the assassination of Iranian General Qasem Soleimani last year.

2021-01-08 16:13:56 UTC  

At this point in time, who in congress is still loyal to trump?

2021-01-08 16:15:25 UTC  

I've learned he's got plenty of enemies at his back, but are there any allies still?

2021-01-08 16:16:34 UTC  

Rand Paul and Ted Cruz are both patriotic americans