Message from @Deleted User

Discord ID: 748892533269987550

2020-08-28 08:30:08 UTC  

Yeah. All these folks just have no real world experience. I think he's just letting them all just realize this shit.

2020-08-28 08:30:47 UTC  

I think the Kenosha riots is really going to give them that Fatality they really needed

2020-08-28 08:33:19 UTC  

I was talking to a friend of mine the other night. An older gentleman. Like 50 years older than me about my generation when I was in university. We paid very little on our college degree in California. But they thought they could just squeeze out more money and buy cars and go on vacations with government loans and government money. I just wondered how they all would pay it all off. And now I see what's going on today... And that's what bums me out that my generation just assumed they can just bitch and cry it away or twist the government to pay it off for them.

2020-08-28 08:39:09 UTC  

one of the house near me had a former neighbor, she was on wic and welfare..had a bunch of kids...took training for cement work and such(at least she claimed to have taken it)...drove a lexus leased car, was in the rental house on housing assistance...the terms of the deal for the rental house was it was req'd for the handyman service contracted with the rental co to visit the house to make repairs and upgrades and it was listed in the lease. the person renting the house changed the locks and kept refusing the handyman service...also refused the rental co rep that handled the rental lease agreement .....eventually that former neighbor got evicted for violating lease agreement...even tried the old pinching the little kids scam to make the housing dept cops and neighbors feel sad. every other neighbor on the block brought the housing cops drinks, food and other stuff while they were handling the eviction and watching over the house to prevent the former renters from returning

2020-08-28 08:40:33 UTC  

number 1 rule when dealing with lease agreement, don't break the lease agreement rules.

2020-08-28 08:51:05 UTC  

So, I'm researching my representatives and senators so I can push back against COVID-19 policy and open the voting polls... They seem like total COVID bots.

2020-08-28 09:13:16 UTC  

well the covid-19 policy is a violation of rights

2020-08-28 09:15:34 UTC  

find a constitutional lawyer, setup a gofundme to pay for him/her/it ..find all the problem officials in ur city/state gov and even reps/senators for the covid policy from ur state, setup recall option if they violated ur state's ppl's national rights

2020-08-28 09:16:10 UTC  

lessons can be learned from scifi

2020-08-28 09:17:14 UTC  

when dem or corrupt elected officials violate ur rights using admiralty legal systems, which are non constitutional legal systems, they are in violation of the bill of rights and the constitution

2020-08-28 09:17:38 UTC  

covid quarantine lockdown is a violation of ur rights

2020-08-28 09:24:56 UTC  

I'm in California. They already violated the 1st amendment. Lol.

2020-08-28 09:30:21 UTC  

ya..theres a calif lawyer there offering free constitutional support

2020-08-28 09:30:37 UTC  

does yt and tweet vids on subjects of violations

2020-08-28 09:46:04 UTC  

Ah. And who is this? I'd like to look them up.

2020-08-28 09:50:03 UTC  

DM me that if you can.

2020-08-28 09:56:18 UTC  

well when i remember it, or find it again...i'll toss it to ya

2020-08-28 13:10:50 UTC  

what do you guys think about this shit

2020-08-28 13:11:06 UTC  

Why tf do people vote for that dumb ass

2020-08-28 13:11:33 UTC  

why do u believe in polls

2020-08-28 13:11:52 UTC  

polls had hrc to win in 2016...yet trump won

2020-08-28 13:12:00 UTC  

yeah you're right

2020-08-28 13:12:06 UTC  

but i'm really worried about this election

2020-08-28 13:13:04 UTC  

vote ur choice ...and let the chips fall where they are supposed to fall

2020-08-28 13:14:15 UTC  

but the most important thing is to vote....

2020-08-28 13:14:36 UTC  

who do you want to win?

2020-08-28 13:14:41 UTC  

I of course want trump

2020-08-28 13:17:13 UTC  

considering the rate of the awakened masses to the bs of the msm, leftist media and dems ...odds on favorite is trump

2020-08-28 14:28:45 UTC  

Everyone go dislike these morons

2020-08-28 16:03:29 UTC  


2020-08-28 16:14:15 UTC  

Fox News disabled comment section and like/dislike function on that live stream. Of course, because Fox is working as controlled opposition and is working interference for the Left-Wing insurgency by downplaying it as just a difference of opinion

2020-08-28 17:53:06 UTC  

i think it's true, biden will probably win

2020-08-28 17:55:08 UTC  

america will elect a demented guy with a woman who slept her way to the top as vice president

2020-08-28 17:56:12 UTC  

and the world will take advantage of you and use you as their hooker, just like they did to germany in the early 1900s

2020-08-28 17:57:00 UTC  

change my mind

2020-08-28 18:35:51 UTC  

Nah, it said Hillary had 71% approval rating during the election and she still lost.