Message from @White Wolf
Discord ID: 757073380229775400
take that pic, go to all the college campus twitter feeds that want to stop rape culture and cry about rbg's death ..and say - rbg promoted rape culture, heres the proof
Not even just normal rape, literal molestation
It’s Bad enough when it’s adults
Mass genocide in the form of infanticide and abortion...
All they gotta do is convince people they are worthless in the name of science... you know, cuz if you're not with science, then you're big dumb.
well they assume men are really women and women are really men in terms because of science
when even science disproves it
but they need science to make it happen
looks like MSM forgot all about covid
in rbg's last dying breath, she cured covid
Big Oof
link would be nice, unless it's a joke meme
"It was her last wish to not have her seat filled until a new president-..." Who fucking cares? Not to be rude about the dead and whatnot, but time isn't going to stop for a whole country because of one persons dying wish.
Dear democrats you sowed the wind back in 2013 and now you will reap what you have sown. When you resort to brass knuckle politics do not be surprised when the same rules you applied to others gets used on you
> "It was her last wish to not have her seat filled until a new president-..." This claim seems off to me. If she really wanted this, why wouldn't she make it known publicly?
those that interpret the dying tend to toss their own agendas into the details
I automatically view anyone who supports communism or socialism as incapable of critical thought, naïve, stupid and entitled. If these people cannot realise that such ideologies can only exist on paper then they're just incompetent individuals. There is a staggering wealth disparity between the upper class and middle class but socialism is not how you go about that unless you want a real life version of George Orwell's 1984.
Take if from Joe Biden. We need to fill the seat. Anyone remember this?
Wow can see this in a didnt age well 😂
using their own tools against them
Biggest one would be Barack Hussein.
u mean obama, he's already listed
this hits harder with biden saying it 4yrs ago
considering he's 'running for office' now
It does though.
Sooooo basically about 1/3 of people polled, chose economy, and are likely voting trump (unless there are people who actually think Biden would help the economy <a:headbang:647366343611383838> )
And a close second is covid, which could be anything from the people want lockdowns to end all the way to people wanting a nationwide mask mandate, so I’d say that’s 50/50
And then second to last we’ve got race relations which the left makes sound like it’s the most important and most cared about issue, I guess not to 89% of the people who were polled
Lol I know I’m over analyzing a YouTube PBS poll but hey why tf not
i vote we add a new selection - arresting all the insane left for making death threats upon everybody not like them
yeah... That's why i never vote on polls like this. lol
Remember, the silent majority was silent for a reason 😉
It's not that they were silent, it's just that the polls didn't address their issues. Can't just fit them all into one tiny poll.