Message from @Demitri Vritra

Discord ID: 778747710068752405

2020-11-17 20:09:07 UTC  

I’m not the crazy one here, am I?

2020-11-17 21:53:53 UTC  

Those are computer terms right?

2020-11-17 21:54:17 UTC  

Yes it's just common computer terms.

2020-11-17 21:55:33 UTC  

Also, I agree that the terms aren't racist.

2020-11-17 21:59:59 UTC  

I'm not sure how I feel about Apple's M1 chips, for all that it does and the performance it has, it just seems too perfect....

2020-11-18 02:42:59 UTC  

God forbid a term have a color

2020-11-18 04:19:36 UTC  

UwU whitelists are systematically racist

2020-11-18 04:19:49 UTC  

blacklist lives matter

2020-11-18 04:20:20 UTC  

||*for legal reasons, that's a joke*||

2020-11-18 04:24:28 UTC  

I like the "Red Dragon" keyboard. I love mechanical and lighted keys.

2020-11-18 04:25:22 UTC  

> Thr Logitech G203 is also good imo and is only 15
@Mine Excadrill I love my logitech G502 Hero

2020-11-18 04:27:20 UTC  

Log G602 over here. Pretty nice if you ask me. Wireless, too.

2020-11-18 05:01:04 UTC  

I have a non mechanical red dragon and it’s garbage. The mechanical one might be better though

2020-11-18 05:02:48 UTC  

I want to get a steel series apex keyboard

2020-11-18 05:11:23 UTC  

Do not get Steel Series anything. Remember the Bully Hunters? It was a marketing show by Steel Series to sell their headphones

2020-11-18 05:28:47 UTC  

There is only two true Mechanical Keyboards everything else is Imitators the IBM Model F capable of inputting every possible input at the same time. and the IBM Model M which works with just about everything including your cellphone

2020-11-18 05:39:27 UTC  

granted the F through proper care, should be able to outlive it's owner, it was just built that durably. granted it uses some weird leaf spring setup for it's switches, and the fact the board itself is a work of art it's one of few keyboards that can do more then 16 inputs at the same time well do it's board design you could legitimately press all the keys and they should input.

2020-11-18 13:05:52 UTC  

That’s what I call a good review

2020-11-18 13:06:05 UTC  

For a pair of headphones

2020-11-18 15:30:51 UTC  

The fact you can press every key at once is the fact it's PS2 based which has direct interrupt to the central processor for the connection to the computer instead of USB which require polling. My WASD Code mechanical keyboard also has true N key roll over when connected over PS2 instead of USB.

2020-11-18 22:25:22 UTC  

Model F can have a PS/2 based connector but it predates PS/2, so the explanation you give while it is one of the many reason it can do it, it's a Known feature of the keyboard well before PS/2 existed, it's been seen with an XT connector, a AT Connector, an IBM proprietary terminal connector if it's the 122-key Teminal board,

the reason it has this ability is more do to it's board lay out and it's capactive pads. basically it was an unintended feature, and very few keyboards much less Mechanical Keyboards come close to it's ability in Key Rollover aka simultaneous input.

the F has Unliminted, while the M which has a different board and switch design entirely despite being consider a gold standard in of it's sellf has a Rollover of 2 meaning it can register two simultaneous key presses at once.

other Keyboards with unlimited Roll over are HyperX Alloy FPS, Logitech G series, Leopold, Model F Labs, Niztech, & Wooting.

2020-11-18 22:27:42 UTC  

of which all are primarily sold as USB, and you can get a USB coord for your F if you have the right model that allows for coord swap out.

2020-11-18 22:44:42 UTC  

It seems like some of the usb keyboards that have nkey rollover often require driver tricks like emulating multiple keyboards or not using byte streams so it seems possible but rare because this can break things in some instances like BIOS control for some users.

While physically the connectors weren't PS2 in the boards (there were also probably some proprietary sereal commands also being used), from my search they were still serial with direct interrupt control to the CPU. I still say it is a main reason they were capable of n key. While you explain it needed other internal keyboard design to also allow it, the interface was still critical.

2020-11-18 23:23:08 UTC  

I'm not sure honestly, cause while on a modern computer a Model F just does what is expected of it now if there is a back end to make that work great. but we are talking about a computer keyboard from 1981, so if such software support existed it'd be relatively tiny.

2020-11-18 23:28:43 UTC  

tho I will say Windows 10 has some black magic f***ery when it comes to inputs cause software relying on legacy standards have troubles interpreting the inputs unless you run some sort of corrective script or software.

2020-11-19 03:37:34 UTC  

does anyone know if the Anker SoundCore Q20's are any good? I was wanting to get the Wyze Labs headphones the are on preorder right now since I've heard positive things about, but they found the Ankers and they seem an even better deal if they are actually as good

2020-11-19 03:38:13 UTC  

the only thing the Wyze ones have over them is a bit more noise cancelling, at least that's advertized

2020-11-19 03:39:08 UTC  

otherwise Ankers have 2x the battery, 2x the speed of the quick charge feature, and are about the same price, maybe $10 more depending on where you find them

2020-11-19 04:38:09 UTC  

There is a computer virus going around called
"System32" virus
It has infected nearly all windows computers
So you need to delete it asap
Or your files may be compromised

2020-11-19 04:38:48 UTC  


2020-11-19 04:39:44 UTC  

my guess would be that if it was a virus it would already have infected my pc before I found it, and thus would not do any good deleting it

2020-11-19 13:55:20 UTC  

Oh no my pc is hacked ahhhhh

2020-11-19 20:28:33 UTC  

I don't know if this is the right place for it, but I recently switched my default browser to Brave, and external links in other apps (including Discord) no longer work. I've restarted Discord, Brave, and even my entire computer. Brave is my default browser, but external links that used to open in Chrome now do *nothing*.

2020-11-19 20:45:59 UTC  

It's definitely an issue with Brave, because when I switch my default browser to literally anything else, links in external apps work seamlessly.

2020-11-19 21:57:25 UTC  

could just be a configuration issue with the browser

2020-11-19 21:58:13 UTC  

I'm not sure about Brave, but most "Secure" or security based browsers require a decent amount of configuration to make things livable.

2020-11-19 22:01:57 UTC  

since brave allows for Chrome Extensions I'm assuming altered form of Chromium

2020-11-19 22:03:14 UTC  

and Google started Chromium to kill Mozilla & other browsers

2020-11-19 22:04:18 UTC  

so I'm not sure how I feel about an "Open Source" project by a tech giant that could easily flip the switch and kill the competition once everything is based around it's project

2020-11-19 22:08:45 UTC  

Being open source, no one actually owns chromium and anyone can fork it and modify it at will.

2020-11-19 22:10:01 UTC  

that's wrong.. being open anyone is allowed to mess with and use it, but you can easily still have privatized licenses on the code that allow the originator of the code to rescind approval.