Demitri Vritra

Discord ID: 308173588085866496

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I'm not sure how I feel about Apple's M1 chips, for all that it does and the performance it has, it just seems too perfect....

problem is biden isn't the president elect till the electoral college votes, or trump concedes, which ever happens first. but he should be recieving some form of redacted reports as a candidate tho.

you know the problem with calling her a whore is, you are implying people would actually want to sleep with her :/

the only time the money definition applies is when used in context with males...... so you are calling her a guy.

There is only two true Mechanical Keyboards everything else is Imitators the IBM Model F capable of inputting every possible input at the same time. and the IBM Model M which works with just about everything including your cellphone

granted the F through proper care, should be able to outlive it's owner, it was just built that durably. granted it uses some weird leaf spring setup for it's switches, and the fact the board itself is a work of art it's one of few keyboards that can do more then 16 inputs at the same time well do it's board design you could legitimately press all the keys and they should input.

Model F can have a PS/2 based connector but it predates PS/2, so the explanation you give while it is one of the many reason it can do it, it's a Known feature of the keyboard well before PS/2 existed, it's been seen with an XT connector, a AT Connector, an IBM proprietary terminal connector if it's the 122-key Teminal board,

the reason it has this ability is more do to it's board lay out and it's capactive pads. basically it was an unintended feature, and very few keyboards much less Mechanical Keyboards come close to it's ability in Key Rollover aka simultaneous input.

the F has Unliminted, while the M which has a different board and switch design entirely despite being consider a gold standard in of it's sellf has a Rollover of 2 meaning it can register two simultaneous key presses at once.

other Keyboards with unlimited Roll over are HyperX Alloy FPS, Logitech G series, Leopold, Model F Labs, Niztech, & Wooting.

of which all are primarily sold as USB, and you can get a USB coord for your F if you have the right model that allows for coord swap out.

I'm not sure honestly, cause while on a modern computer a Model F just does what is expected of it now if there is a back end to make that work great. but we are talking about a computer keyboard from 1981, so if such software support existed it'd be relatively tiny.

tho I will say Windows 10 has some black magic f***ery when it comes to inputs cause software relying on legacy standards have troubles interpreting the inputs unless you run some sort of corrective script or software.

could just be a configuration issue with the browser

I'm not sure about Brave, but most "Secure" or security based browsers require a decent amount of configuration to make things livable.

since brave allows for Chrome Extensions I'm assuming altered form of Chromium

and Google started Chromium to kill Mozilla & other browsers

so I'm not sure how I feel about an "Open Source" project by a tech giant that could easily flip the switch and kill the competition once everything is based around it's project

that's wrong.. being open anyone is allowed to mess with and use it, but you can easily still have privatized licenses on the code that allow the originator of the code to rescind approval.

I mean one only needs to look at the history of Linux for that :/

google kills anything that is a possible threat or competition to google, the only reason they don't kill apple is because for legal reasons they need to show they have competition, that doesn't stop them from drastically limiting competition.

the fields it does dominate in it does everything in it's power to keep dominance in, I mean it's had a noose around Mozilla's neck for over a decade.

microsoft gave up not that long ago. so they're chromium now

edge isn't edge anymore tho :/

eh there's no need to Clarify Safari is Apple, Microsoft is Edge

so when you say Microsoft gave up.

it's not even that. it's not compliant with their new business strategy.

eh Microsoft has a History of producing great pieces of software that are often ahead of their time that unfortunately result in Failure because people either don't use the features or have the hardware to make use of them.

well take Microsoft Media Player right? It could not only function as a decrypter for Cable & satellite Signals, it could even broadcast to your Xbox 360 so you could watch tv where ever you had one hooked up.

you're right I use them interchangably because I just so use to Center playing mp4s for me

well I used more of the features of Center.

it was trying to be an all in one and was actually pretty good at it.

with the right setup, configs, and scripts it was pretty universal, could even play MKV and ogg files.

if I'm running games I want a Light OS, if using a browser I want it light but secure, if I'm watching movies or something, I don't care if the program is light as long as it avoids any unnecessary interruptions.

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