Message from @Erby
Discord ID: 757767291805892648
Ok let me a m3a1 as a example
The m3a1 voice diagram is very similar to the gp5m voice diagram
You see the middle metal piece
That is held down by the outer metal piece
And the plastic piece is glued
Wait where does the filter go?
Its Connected to a hose and the hose is connected to the mask with a y tube, a y tube the mask didn't come with
So, if one was looking to acquire cheap prepping/bugout bags, what suggestions would people have?
Time to do my job
I see...a mask that disappeared.
Maybe I seeing prepping/bugout bags as something different. I was thinking cheap survival food that has ridiculous expiration dates.
Right. I had some old classmates mentioning it last year.
but I do know that my dumbass is only thinking about buying and stocking up on pepperoni pizza MREs
even if they taste bad.
<:KEK:726877368601411624> <:KEK:726877368601411624>
Pizza is pizza amirite??
Pizza is like sex. Even when ita bad, it's still pretty good
<:dogekek:726878872607653918> <:thinking:726878987837636698>
Virgin gang ahahahah
Get a dehydrator and a vacuum sealer. Can make your own MREs
Mre is too heavy and bulky for bob
Mres are for preppers
Basically camping out in a bunker for years kind of thing
I was told I wouldn't be able to live in an RV. My husband was told he wouldn't be able to install solar. But we didn't doubt our plans for a minute! Now we have a fully off-grid capable lifestyle with fully self sustaining power...I'm stoked!
my brother just finished installing the solar panels on the duplex we split 🙂 he did an amazing job and now he wants to do a power bank type thing
That's awesome. I was surprised the number of nay-sayers.
The more nay-sayers, the more joy when all is said and done tho ;) good luck with the power bank.
Hah can't survive off of solar ans only the grid Lawl whoever said it couldn't be done is so full of it and sheep
"You can't do it!" Well ya did it and I'm happy! @Armenelos
@A-10 full of sheep indeed. Thanks! 😄
What's the lifespan on the panels, or is it more dependent on environmental factors?
> What's the lifespan on the panels, or is it more dependent on environmental factors?
@Scott_Cole no clue.... I only know that if it doesn't rain for like a week we have to go clean them, and we have to clean them every 2 weeks no matter what because of the salt