Message from @Vinz Clortho

Discord ID: 763213051871756308

2020-10-07 01:29:35 UTC  

If you think about it HG Wells' stuff is now considered steampunk

2020-10-07 01:29:43 UTC  

Very true

2020-10-07 01:29:54 UTC  

When he wrote it it was Sci fi

2020-10-07 01:30:16 UTC  

I have developed a liking for The Doc Savage stories and John Carter stuff as well

2020-10-07 01:30:37 UTC  

Ever read “1000 years War”?

2020-10-07 01:30:43 UTC  


2020-10-07 01:31:22 UTC  

Basically about a never ending war because neither side can travel the universe quick enough to surrender

2020-10-07 01:31:34 UTC  

Oh I have heard of it

2020-10-07 01:31:50 UTC  

Its got some very relatable points to today

2020-10-07 01:31:57 UTC  

Have you ever read anything by Harry Turtledove?

2020-10-07 01:32:45 UTC  

Not familiar. But my brain purges. Ill have to look hom up

2020-10-07 01:32:57 UTC  

He wrote a lot of Alternate realities

2020-10-07 01:33:20 UTC  

He wrote a series called the World War series where during World War 2 and alien invasion happens

2020-10-07 01:33:32 UTC  

Right up my alley

2020-10-07 01:34:04 UTC  

The aliens assumed by their intelligence that Earth was in medieval times

2020-10-07 01:34:10 UTC  

A bit “Man in the High Castle” but with ET?

2020-10-07 01:34:22 UTC  

But they had sleeper ships also and they progressed slower than humans did

2020-10-07 01:34:41 UTC  

So when they arrived the humans had aircraft ect

2020-10-07 01:34:58 UTC  

Oooh! Its now on my list

2020-10-07 01:36:11 UTC  

My favorite stories by him are the Southern Victory series where teh South won the Civil War

2020-10-07 01:36:36 UTC  

I do like alternative history stories

2020-10-07 01:36:40 UTC  

He is supposed to be a history professor but he is clueless about what the war was about

2020-10-07 01:37:23 UTC  

Basically the bad guy rises in the South instead of Germany

2020-10-07 01:37:40 UTC  

Decent premise

2020-10-07 01:37:45 UTC  

Instead of Jews he persecutes Blacks

2020-10-07 01:38:05 UTC  

The story is told from the point of view of several people

2020-10-07 01:38:16 UTC  

From different walks of life

2020-10-07 01:38:57 UTC  

Custer is still alive in World War 1 and he is a maniac

2020-10-07 01:39:29 UTC  

Read much fantasy?

2020-10-07 01:40:47 UTC  

So many books. A good post-apocolyptic one is the Dust series (I think thats the name)

2020-10-07 01:41:38 UTC  

Yup. By Hugh Howey. VERY good

2020-10-07 01:44:11 UTC  

I am a fan of R A Salvatore

2020-10-07 03:05:43 UTC  

> Which medium? Books or movies? @Spectre
@jerpeau Mainly movies, but books as well. Whichever is preferred

2020-10-07 03:06:59 UTC  

I think sci-fi fits movies better, and the medieval type stuff fits books well.

2020-10-07 03:16:47 UTC  


2020-10-07 09:17:04 UTC  

There's also the 1632 series by Eric Flint. A Virginia coal mining town and a chunk of surrounding area from 2000 gets blinked into the middle of Europe during the Thirty Years War.

2020-10-07 09:17:43 UTC  

And I'm also a fan of Turtledove's alternate histories, Red State. Nice to meet another.

2020-10-07 16:13:06 UTC  

New live-action Transformers movie set to come out June 24, 2022!

2020-10-07 17:09:53 UTC  

Hope it's better than the last four.

2020-10-07 17:16:09 UTC  

If it’s as good as Bumblebee I’ll be very happy