Message from @Rhonyn

Discord ID: 767847391490867242

2020-10-19 12:00:39 UTC  

Anyone else find it ridiculous how many freaking medals the average north Korean general has like if we go to war we just need a magnet

2020-10-19 12:32:46 UTC  

Oh yeah, especially given the last time they have had any sort of battle

2020-10-19 12:49:13 UTC  

We just need to bring a giant magnet to the border and activate it.

2020-10-19 13:22:54 UTC  

But still, even war heroes like Francis Pegpegahmagabow, Lauri Torni, Simo Hayha, Bull Allen, and generals who deserve plenty of medals don't have as many, it's impractical and makes no sense

2020-10-19 13:38:38 UTC  

Wasn't sure where to put this so... Here are some really old things from my great grandma's

2020-10-19 13:40:12 UTC  

They are from the 50's or 60's

2020-10-19 15:20:28 UTC  


2020-10-19 17:05:01 UTC  

that pepsi bottle could probably sell for a decent price to some collectors

2020-10-19 18:12:52 UTC  

They’d commit the most horrible crime of all with those; color outside the lines.

2020-10-19 18:14:05 UTC  

You know, it makes me feel old when hear people say that during the Civil War the North didnt have any slave states, because i remember when that was taught as the main reason why during the middle of the civil war after Gettysburg Lincoln didnt ban slavery in the North because he wanted to keep the support of his slave states along the border kf the US and the Confederacy during the war

2020-10-19 18:20:43 UTC  

remember he was more concerned with preserving the union at that point

2020-10-19 18:21:20 UTC  


2020-10-19 18:21:47 UTC  

He didnt want to lose more states than he already did

2020-10-19 18:22:48 UTC  

Especislly since one of the border union slave states practically surrounded DC on all sides

2020-10-19 18:30:51 UTC  

And iirc the real reason pretty much about the Gettysburg address was to pretty much be a full propaganda move to unite the general populace of the Union, as fuckloads of people in places like New York were getting tired of their sons and husbands being conscripted to fight the south by the thousands and clashes were breaking out between the populace and the state police and military officials

2020-10-19 18:32:51 UTC  

Becsuse while the South lost at Gettysburg, they didnt lose without taking out massive Union numbers

2020-10-19 18:34:40 UTC  

And if the news broke out of the Union losses of the battle, shit would have went to hell inside the Union

2020-10-19 20:21:35 UTC  

Any merit to the "Lincoln freed the slaves to help prevent Great Britain from joining the Confederacy, so they can take down USA and maintain flow of cotton" theory?

2020-10-19 20:25:03 UTC  

I don’t think so. But none of us were there. What I do know is that the brown people of Brazil had roughly the same amount of African slaves as North America had, so not strictly a white supremacy issue

2020-10-19 20:31:10 UTC  

no merrit on the Lincoln freein the slaves to keep Britian from interferin, but it is true that Russia of all countries prevented Britian from interferin in the war because Russia made it clear they would invade Europe if Britian and France sent their soldiers to fight with the South

2020-10-19 20:31:24 UTC  


2020-10-19 20:31:34 UTC  

To both @yeti_steamroller and @Zilla messages.

2020-10-19 20:32:09 UTC  

Didn't know Russia was even interested in either side at that point.

2020-10-19 20:32:37 UTC  

and Yeti, not many people know that, myself included. Any idea when they outlawed slavery?

2020-10-19 20:33:07 UTC  

Russia didnt have any reason to side with either, it was more looking for revenge against France and Britain for what they did to Russia in a prevous war

2020-10-19 20:34:49 UTC  

@Rhonyn it was 1888 if I am to believe google or 20 years after the Civil War

2020-10-19 20:37:08 UTC  

The sad thing is really that no country has done a better job of integrating people from all over the world than the USA has done. We are so far ahead of where we used to be but can always be better. People shouldn’t lose sight of the good in the pursuit of better. I always wonder who the protests are meant to convince. Nobody thinks it was ok for George Floyd to die there, etc

2020-10-19 20:38:55 UTC  

Unfortunately, that's too warm and fuzzy for clicks and views.

2020-10-19 20:41:10 UTC  

I would imagine it’s a bit awkward living as white or black in say Japan or China where almost no integration exists

2020-10-19 21:51:22 UTC  

> no merrit on the Lincoln freein the slaves to keep Britian from interferin, but it is true that Russia of all countries prevented Britian from interferin in the war because Russia made it clear they would invade Europe if Britian and France sent their soldiers to fight with the South
@Zilla So for once Russia were the good guys

2020-10-19 21:51:58 UTC  

if you look at it that way yeah, they prevented the US Civil War from being a world war

2020-10-19 22:03:05 UTC  

@Deleted User honestly Russia wasn’t so bad until the communist revolution. Tsar Nicholas was cousin of King George of England. Russian people aren’t inherently bad like the popular narrative. Sadly they aren’t protected by the SJWs though due to their white privilege

2020-10-19 22:04:14 UTC  

True, I've just done enough research into Finnish history I guess I've gotten to the point where I dislike russians almost naturally

2020-10-19 22:09:48 UTC  

I get it. But looking back at how we reacted to the Cuban missile crisis and then imagining us having arms all along the Ukraine border makes me scratch my head

2020-10-19 22:29:20 UTC  

The world was saved by a Russian back in that crisis.

2020-10-19 23:11:11 UTC  

Anyone remember that time Kennedy wanted to train cubans to attack some kids in Miami and use it as a declaration of war? No? Just me?

2020-10-19 23:11:32 UTC  

Wait he did that?

2020-10-19 23:12:34 UTC  

Operation Redwood

2020-10-19 23:12:50 UTC  

That time the US government almost attacked its own citizens

2020-10-19 23:14:31 UTC  

You mean northwood? Cause this sounds like what you're describing

2020-10-19 23:14:57 UTC  

Oh i mean yeah, Northwood😂