Message from @Artoo

Discord ID: 775228567814406144

2020-11-08 22:41:52 UTC  

Well I don't have the evidence currently, but I'll tell you from my own knowledge that the South didn't become majority republican until the 90s.

2020-11-08 22:43:03 UTC  

And here's the funny thing. Most older southerners I've talked to tell me that there were still lynchings well into the 80s but it virtually ceased after.

2020-11-08 22:43:54 UTC  
2020-11-08 22:52:45 UTC  

I don't believe it's pure coincidence that the amount of lynchings in the south coincided with how democratic it was.

2020-11-09 03:52:08 UTC  

pragerU <:Brainlet:752612764287238240>

2020-11-09 04:06:15 UTC  

I actually never knew why the south switched. Thanks for sharing this

2020-11-09 04:06:43 UTC  

PragerU has a vast number of opinions.

2020-11-09 04:09:02 UTC  


2020-11-09 04:10:07 UTC  

It's not like they're full on brainlet.

2020-11-09 05:18:08 UTC  

Do we have people who believe in the Lost Cause here?

2020-11-09 05:18:29 UTC  


2020-11-09 05:18:34 UTC  

what lost cause

2020-11-09 05:19:26 UTC  

The Lost Cause is a Historical Theory that believes that the Confederates' cause was a just and heroic one, and it was a War of Northern Aggression.

2020-11-09 05:20:27 UTC  

The North was fighting more for the preservation of the Union

2020-11-09 05:20:27 UTC  

lost cause is retarded

2020-11-09 05:20:32 UTC  

I'm kinda not big on the whole "slavery" thing and glad we got rid of it, even if it means my state was on the losing side of the war.

2020-11-09 05:20:46 UTC  

The south broke off thinking the first thing Lincoln would do was abolish slavery

2020-11-09 05:20:56 UTC  

There's one big thing I discovered that can disprove it.

It was even in the CSA's constitution

2020-11-09 05:21:33 UTC  

hold on imma find it real quick

2020-11-09 05:28:55 UTC  

I think it's that

2020-11-09 05:29:01 UTC  

Hold on

2020-11-09 05:29:12 UTC  

(4) No bill of attainder, ex post facto law, or law denying or impairing the right of property in slaves shall be passed.

2020-11-09 05:29:16 UTC  

It needs some censoring lol

2020-11-09 05:29:47 UTC  

Sec. 2. (I) The citizens of each State shall be entitled to all the privileges and immunities of citizens in the several States; and shall have the right of transit and sojourn in any State of this Confederacy, with their slaves and other property; and the right of property in said slaves shall not be thereby impaired.

2020-11-09 05:30:05 UTC  

So basically, The Civil War was indeed a war caused by Slavery

2020-11-09 05:30:24 UTC  

But the driving factor was the secession of the CSA

2020-11-09 06:38:18 UTC  

The American civil war was like two roommates who hate each other.

The South didn't like the North bossing him around and wanted his own room.

The North didn't like the South enslaving people and wanted him to free them, but understood that if the South left they'd both have smaller rooms.

That pissed the South of and they started fighting.

2020-11-09 09:18:36 UTC  

I thought the lost cause was referring to the state of California. How disappointing.

2020-11-09 13:06:46 UTC  

i will say. a declaration of Secession =/= a declaration of war, there are a multitude of reasons why the South seceded from the Union, and there is only one reason why war started, because the North refused to relocate soldiers from Fort Sumpter and the South seen this as a trespassing on their territory and fired upon the fort for several days after trying diplomatically to get them to leave the fort

2020-11-09 13:08:05 UTC  

Slavery wouldnt become the central focus of the civil war till after the Gettysburg Address halfway through the war as the North was losing support of its own citizens in places like New York due to the draft and losing thousands of young men to the battlefield for little gain

2020-11-09 13:10:12 UTC  

and Slavery wouldnt be outlawed in the North till after the Civil War, as the North had several barrier slave states under its control and did not want to lose their support, especially since DC was sandwiched between both Maryland and Virginia, who were both Slave States

2020-11-09 13:13:40 UTC  

and also, the South up until the middle of the Civil War had already begun freeing large amounts of their slaves (which were almost all owned by the 1%) as the profits gained from their labour were starting to become a net negative and near the end of the war Jefferson Davis signed into Confederate Law that any free'd slave could volunteer for the Confederate Army after General Lee pressured him to do so as at that time the South was starting to become severely undermanned, however by this time it would only be a few weeks till General Lee surrendered at Appomattox

2020-11-09 13:17:53 UTC  

the civil war is a series of Complex and downright shitfest crazy events that researchers still to this day only know of a fraction of what all that happened during it

2020-11-09 13:19:17 UTC  

because few records from that time survived and some that did were destroyed during the burning of Georgia or afterwards by US soldiers who did mass confiscations of stuff

2020-11-09 13:22:51 UTC  

and in a sense, the Confederacy was a lost cause, because the profits from slavery were rapidly dropping to the negatives so it would be likely that in an effort to save itself had it won the war, would come crawling back to the US and slave away their own debts

2020-11-09 13:24:51 UTC  

Or sell itself to Great Britian or France

2020-11-09 16:12:58 UTC  

fascists make me lose braincells

2020-11-09 16:13:06 UTC  

"hurr durr collective/state knows best"

2020-11-09 16:38:11 UTC  

> "hurr durr collective/state knows best"
@米饭和面条 The ultimate hubris. It's bizarre because it's antithesis is literally proven in all other systems in life/nature. Like IT/Computing decentralization allows for cheaper, more efficient operations (e.g. cloud). Homogenization or centralization allows for a single point of failure.