Message from @米饭和面条

Discord ID: 776710385288871947

2020-11-12 04:18:34 UTC  

> Germany had riots
@Clemens Communist Uprisings, most of which were put down by the Freikorps

2020-11-12 04:19:16 UTC  

And that man with the strange moustache

2020-11-12 04:19:29 UTC  


2020-11-12 04:19:51 UTC  

Or was he still in a
Coma by then

2020-11-12 04:20:06 UTC  

Think about it, theres an alternate universe where the name Adolf Hitler is the name of a famous german artist

2020-11-12 04:20:17 UTC  

with slightly extreme views, but thats pretty much it

2020-11-12 04:21:12 UTC  

And there's a alternative universe where I have hair on my head

2020-11-12 04:21:26 UTC  


2020-11-12 04:53:01 UTC  

Al Jolson was a very famous actor during the early 1900s He was a great man

2020-11-12 04:56:12 UTC  

Well Al did blackface but he didn't do it for mocking black people he did it because he was a blacks rights activist. During that time black people weren't really allowed to be in movies. He was a activist and pushed equal rights. But because He did blackface people of modern era would and tried to "cancel" him.

2020-11-12 04:57:09 UTC  

The story is times were different and in the future what we like to think is good may seem like evil sins in the future.

2020-11-12 04:57:57 UTC  

Never heard about this one in school

2020-11-12 13:41:17 UTC  

Ya know, what John is saying here sounds oddly familiar...

2020-11-13 06:36:11 UTC  

Is there anything that Pol Pot did that couldn't be considered fucking horrifying and terrible? I need them as historical arguments against the "but muh literacy rates" talking point by commies.

2020-11-13 07:20:03 UTC  
2020-11-13 07:27:29 UTC  


2020-11-13 07:29:46 UTC  

it does make sense that the only good thing i could find about pol pot is petty and insignificant

2020-11-13 07:30:29 UTC  

what else do you expect from a man who caused the average life expectancy in Cambodia to drop to eighteen fucking years old?

2020-11-13 07:31:39 UTC  

even fucking maoist china had a way higher life expectancy rate

2020-11-13 07:31:51 UTC  

the same country that had the great leap forward and cultural revolution

2020-11-13 07:42:44 UTC  

The fact that there are still people who unironically support any of those communist shitheads is beyond me. You have the groups of people who you would expect to support them like tankies and fascists but then you have the lib lefts who say dumb shit like "oh but muh literacy rates".

2020-11-13 07:44:02 UTC  

I also despise that argument for its line of logic.

"Ok there were tons of genocides and fascist oppression under socialism but wait until I tell you about how my **indoctrinated citizens** can read well"

2020-11-13 07:45:09 UTC  

It's like, ok, cool, they were able to read. And? Would that excuse literally everything else they did? And if it didn't why even bring it up?

2020-11-13 07:48:36 UTC  

The context in which it's used is idiotic at best and malicious at worst. I usually hear it as an argument against capitalism to say "socialist countries have better education get pwned cappie" which is simply absurd. Saying you have better education whilst literally indoctrinating your citizens is intellectually dishonest. But then again, would we really expect commies to be transparent about their ideologies in practice?

2020-11-13 12:07:40 UTC  

> The fact that there are still people who unironically support any of those communist shitheads is beyond me. You have the groups of people who you would expect to support them like tankies and fascists but then you have the lib lefts who say dumb shit like "oh but muh literacy rates".

Oh you would love this specific tankie I met lol.

"but cheena don't beeld bases military only evil eemperialest uniteed states spread propeganda agaenst them lol omg stalin good"

2020-11-13 15:24:29 UTC  


2020-11-13 15:28:49 UTC  

@米饭和面条 BRUH

2020-11-14 01:26:40 UTC  

On this Day, 5 years ago. ISIL launched a series of terrorist attacks on Paris.

2020-11-14 01:49:30 UTC  


2020-11-14 02:01:40 UTC  

since the 25th Amendment makes the speaker of the house 2nd for the presidency, also it came after the 25 age minimum set in the constitution for house, does that mean you have to fulfill the presidency requirements to be speaker of the house?

2020-11-14 03:38:10 UTC  

you may have to continue down the succession until you get an eligible candidate. For example, the Speaker could be a foreign-born citizen, therefore ineligible, @Ender87.

2020-11-14 04:22:32 UTC  

Same for VP? @BobiusPrime

2020-11-14 04:23:01 UTC  

I think the VP has to meet the same requirements as Prez

2020-11-14 04:23:51 UTC  

I was just asking about that, since the 25th amendment came way after the constituion

2020-11-14 04:32:08 UTC  

I think 25th amendment has to explicitly say that a person inline to presidency will override the eligibility rule otherwise it's next person in line .

2020-11-14 04:32:22 UTC  

Correct me if I'm wrong

2020-11-14 10:00:46 UTC