Message from @Clemens

Discord ID: 788618371938648074

2020-12-14 20:57:32 UTC  

Emperor>warlord>republic(real brief)>Empire again(cause Japan)>Communism

2020-12-15 00:58:34 UTC  


2020-12-15 00:58:42 UTC  

Many cultures adopted slavery

2020-12-15 00:59:07 UTC  

Not just America and white people, smh

2020-12-15 01:16:18 UTC  

Many cultures are also racist, not just America.

2020-12-15 01:17:48 UTC  

The thing is, I don't care how many times someone calls me a racist. I'm not one until I do or think racist things. And simply perceiving my actions as racist does not make them racist.

2020-12-15 02:51:24 UTC  

So why did the black family until fail? I mean why is it gone back then more than 80 percent were together now its 80 percent plus split

2020-12-15 03:26:46 UTC  

From the book “Pawns in the Game” by William Guy Carr

2020-12-15 04:39:29 UTC  

That seems kinda scummy at first glance

2020-12-15 04:44:40 UTC  

That's because it is

2020-12-15 05:06:36 UTC  

Ok then

2020-12-15 05:06:57 UTC  

I was worried about saying something absolute without any other context

2020-12-15 21:27:41 UTC  

@Marcel l'éléphant a Presidential Alert is like a Weather Alert or like a lost child alert. Its a way for the president to connect to the public using the emergency broadcast system.

2020-12-15 21:28:17 UTC  

Ah its a test xd

2020-12-15 21:30:13 UTC  

that was, but we could be seeing actual ones being used soon

2020-12-15 23:53:55 UTC  

Lol that's pretty funny

2020-12-15 23:56:10 UTC  

He's probably like sweet chinese girls!

2020-12-16 00:00:50 UTC  

This is interesting

2020-12-16 03:16:05 UTC  

Fun Fact a lot of people don't know about: The U.S.A. freed 4 countried after the Spanish-American war (1898) from Spain rule. The 4 countries were: Puerto Rico, Cuba, the Philippines, and Guam.

2020-12-16 04:07:51 UTC  

I wouldn't say freed more like under new management

2020-12-16 04:20:45 UTC  

True, but we did free both the Philippines and Cuba

2020-12-16 05:45:35 UTC  

Fun fact: Chrysippus of Soli is one of the very few men who died from laughter. He died in 206 BC

2020-12-16 17:12:55 UTC  

Fun fact: The United States of America was founded by solid Christians, the saying separation of church and state is not originally part of the constitution but was in a letter from a baptist leader to Thomas Jefferson. Since then the government has become more liberal and has added that as a “rule”

2020-12-16 17:27:57 UTC  

There's nothing inherently wrong with letting someone's religion influence their morals as a leader, but theres a difference between doing that and letting your religious view decide how you make decisions

2020-12-16 18:45:46 UTC  

I think just two of the founders were actual Christians. The others tolerated it though I believe.

2020-12-16 19:19:31 UTC  

Toleration is surrendering

2020-12-16 19:30:49 UTC  

So like

2020-12-16 19:31:01 UTC  

The Spanish-American war

2020-12-16 19:31:10 UTC  

We fucking nailed the Spanish lol

2020-12-16 19:53:59 UTC  


2020-12-16 19:54:04 UTC  

Yup. Demolished them in what, 6 months?

2020-12-16 19:54:24 UTC  

Teddy got to kick the shit out of them in Cuba

2020-12-16 19:54:36 UTC  

i think thats the one

2020-12-16 19:56:38 UTC  

Yup. Him and his buffalo soldiers. Battle of San Juan Hill was an easy victory.

Keep in mind that this was the slogan (just a fun fact):
"Remember the Maine, to help with Spain!"

2020-12-16 19:56:52 UTC  


2020-12-16 22:59:09 UTC  

What a coincidence that the Maine exploded without any sort of sabotage

2020-12-16 22:59:36 UTC  

And America used that to their advantage

2020-12-16 22:59:44 UTC  

Imperialism rocked back then

2020-12-16 23:23:29 UTC  

Well it's actually not confirmed if it was a sabotage or not, but Spain was holding back Cubans at the time + the Philippines.