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Discord ID: 632002556591079424

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Biden is fake news 😂

It’s people who don’t want to see the truth in anyway

If they don’t like it they don’t see it

anyone play this??

im a baptist God, USA, Family, Friends, and Guns!!

tenth avenue north is pretty good

Sound like my kind of dude 😂

TFK, RED, Demon Hunter, Pillar, Decyfer Down, Manafest, Fireflight

Collision of innocence is also really good

Fun fact: The United States of America was founded by solid Christians, the saying separation of church and state is not originally part of the constitution but was in a letter from a baptist leader to Thomas Jefferson. Since then the government has become more liberal and has added that as a “rule”

https://youtu.be/whf7IKUz0cM anyone play WR if you dont you really should try!

@Chief Kirby I see you are a fan of demon hunter 😎😎

Cool 😎

It wasn’t to kill but most of the troops were captured or surrendered It was a strategic move

And considering it was war all’s fair so 😆

A sin is a sin

And the consequences of sin is death

A little white lie is just the same as murder. In God’s eyes a sin is a sin and only Jesus can wipe those away

Where did you get this verse??

The reference isn’t correct

If we ask for forgiveness then our record is clean. Gods takes our sin as far as the east is from the west

Can I see a verse talking about purgatory?

Yes the judgement is either heaven or hell

People don’t like having their sins pointed out

And will do anything to stop that and use the excuse of “mentally damaging” sometimes

Yet a movie full of cussing and violence is fine to them 🤦🏻‍♂️

Lol yeah. You can’t hate someone that doesn’t exist

So He does exist

“Remember the word that I said to you, ‘A slave is not greater than his master.’ If they persecuted Me, they will also persecute you; if they kept My word, they will keep yours also.”
‭‭John‬ ‭15:20‬ ‭

“If you were of the world, the world would love its own; but because you are not of the world, but I chose you out of the world, because of this the world hates you.”
‭‭John‬ ‭15:19‬

True hypocrisy

Look at this world. It couldn’t just come from nothing

Where did everything come from?

We didn’t create everything when we can’t even get to Mars so God must have created

Prove it’s not real

It doesn’t hurt one person only the victim

Very true

The chaos in the world is more than ever

But who gave us morals

I don’t see any aliens anywhere. Never have and never will. That’s as hard to believe as in a dog flying with balloon that he blew up and tied

Please don’t use God’s name that way. Would you use your mothers name that way?

Not catholic

If you harden yourself against it then it’s pointless to talk about it

How when things are so complex. If you put ink and paper in a safe for a 100 years it’s not going to write a note even if you shake it up.

Only something intelligent could use those to write a note

So. Have you ever seen nothing turn into something

Have they somehow fallen into place to build the Death Star??? No because it takes intelligence to build it

Plus. We’re you there when chance created things?

Thus your chance of creating everything from nothing is too far fetched to believe

Can you see music

But it exists

So how can you speak against a God if you obviously don’t know this either

The Bible was written before the middle ages and was finished before 200 AD

Since the world has only existed for around 6000 years that’s confusing 😂

Yes amen I was explaining

And not even one flaw

God doesn’t hate pagans. He loves them but hates the sin

Lol some good questions. Those flaws are proof that there is a God that created the earth and all of life

No we aren’t. God is. And God says there is only ONE way

And not just my heart but also wave it as my banner and my story

Sure. What’s up?

And you can cast your troubles and stress on Him

I must go guys but this last 2 hours has been both interesting and encouraging

Prayer for one of my friends mom. She tested positive for COVID several days ago and the whole family is pretty freaked out And just now my friend just tested positive for COVID and flu 😣

Not that I know of but the dad does

Where’s the proof?

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