Message from @Kaladin
Discord ID: 779387318582378506
I have, just like any 9mm its super snappy
I would get a ruger lcp2 if you want a compact gun, they can easily fit in a pocket
I've seen some pretty good thenga about the hellcat, but don't know much about it
Pair that with a nice 357 revolver
oooo nice
Probably gonna be my Christmas gift this year
This might be political, but biden is trying to make magazines for ar-15 very difficult to aqquire
I got a friend who bought 5 at-15s because of Beto
@Milkgamer55 let’s be real, your friend just wanted to buy five of them, not like Beto ever had a chance lol
@Robert Thunder im more conserned that he wants to ban the sale of ammunition
I wouldn't be suprised, I'm guessing that's part of the reason stores are still sold out of ammo
The other part is the covid panic, of course
Thats the main one yes
Everyone i know is prepping for war
I literally stopped being an alcoholic out of spite and now getting in shape, and studying squad tactics, ambushes ect
Good idea, I'm proud of you.
Ive been shooting since i was 3-4 (as long as i reimbor) about 2x a month so thats pretty well down
That probably doesn't mean much to you from a 17 y/o you don't know, but I'm still saying it
War or not, stopping alcoholism is a good choice and not everyone can.
I'm an ok shot
My new body armor is supposed to arrive today
Been practice Long Range stuff recently, I’m liking it
I can make what amounts to chemical weapons and my friend tells me he can make napalm
What kind of body armor did you get?
Most my shooting is combat shooting inside 200yards
Ceramic lvl4
I have been accurately shooting about 650 yds
Napalm is easy to make, ive made chlorone gas before on accident
Okay, let's avoid talking about making chemical weapons. Keep this channel legal.
* in minecraft
So who's planning on preordering the AK50
Napalm, my dad acciendtly put diesel in a styrofoam cup and made something that resepmbeled it
Brandon better hurry up with it soon
Any idea how much the AK-50 would cost?
probably around the same as a barrett?
It’s going to be probably $5000+
on the cheaper side of course but around that