Robert Thunder
Discord ID: 501535800606064651
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so, this is a republican server right?
a very unpopular view on discord
oh lord what have i started
I watch his vids
Just figured I'd join
Also on the top there's some bobby pins which I use as lockpicks.
Bobby pins arn't as obvious as dedicated tools
thats why I deleted it literally 5 seconds after remembering it
do you serious just have nothing better to do than to snipe things like that
cmon man
Maybe I shouldn't be so harsh.
I believe I did
As an added bonus, you're chatting in that channel too
Whatever dude, if you have nothing better to do for entertainment, i can respect that
Anyways, I just came for the memes
have a nice day
you literally spent probably 1-2 minutes of your life to make that
good job
coke inhaler, very epic
all my good memes have "vulgarity" in them
I'm 17
and since I've taken that picture I've added a flashlight stun gun to my collection
Did anyone ping mauler to tell him that as well?
or is this hypocracy
Ah, he's above the law, I forgot
have a nice day
So how am I supposed to put a volume warning without chatting?
So how am i supposed to put it "in wriiting" without getting a warning again?
I'm perfectly calm I'm asking the questions
So how am i supposed to put it "in wriiting" without getting a warning again?
no not really because people still get mad
so basiclly, i just shouldn't post anything on here
forget it, I genuninly no longer feel the urge to contribute to it
mhm, you too
@Rocci I was already warned about the volume
I'm not sure why you felt the urge to ping/warn me AGAIN, but the rules said not to argue with mods so imma shut up right about now
oooo nice
This might be political, but biden is trying to make magazines for ar-15 very difficult to aqquire
i took the gender dysphoria test
not sure if anyone gives a flying frick but here it is
The only one I didn't click "never" on is the one where it asked "life would be better as the opposite gender" because women get allot more priviledges than men, contrary to popular beleief
||auto insurance||
ik, but it was on the test
basiclly my view on that is, im a man, that's how it is, im fine with that, im not better than a woman
that's my view on it
pretty much
I'm a lutheran, but sometimes I wonder. God is all knowning, he could foresee that adam and eve would fall into sin, is that what he wanted, if so, why?
It is a chirstan denomination
But God openly hates sin, but he knew it would happen
He wanted us to fall into sin to exersise free will?
I suppose that's an acceptable answer
Fair enough
I wouldn't be suprised, I'm guessing that's part of the reason stores are still sold out of ammo
The other part is the covid panic, of course
Good idea, I'm proud of you.
That probably doesn't mean much to you from a 17 y/o you don't know, but I'm still saying it
Napalm, my dad acciendtly put diesel in a styrofoam cup and made something that resepmbeled it
this pc should be onsale for 750
black friday
I would build my own, but a pc with those spec would cost 900 to build yourself (i looked) and plus, this has warrenty and I don't have to deal with activiting windows
As for the lights, it's cool, but I'll take performace over looks any day
from the zed himself
They're so empowering
8bg ddr4 > 16gb ddr3
yOu hAvE a tRuMp sTiCkEr!?!11??1, tHaTs lIkE sAyInG tHe n wOrD yOu rAcIsT
Gotta agree with butcher on this
the politcal compass quizes are intentionally vauge, ben shapiro made a video on it
are you kidding me, i deleted my message
i figured it'd be fine because it contributed to the meme, but i guess not
Honesty I'd believe that.
Question, if you're not allowed to talk AT ALL in meme channels, why is it even an option? Or is there an exception that I'm not seeing
I'm guessing the mods are tired of warning people
I tried to delete it but you somehow beat me too it
oh hey, just wondering, if you're not allowed to chat in the meme sections, why is it allowed?
I think you can disable text on those channels, is it for warning of ear rape?
Sorry my dead cat crawled across my keyboard
yo why'd my memes mess up
look in <#707963490526298112>
it shows a file
alright i deleted them, im not tryna look like a hacker or somethin
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