Message from @Bar

Discord ID: 783761193381658635

2020-12-02 17:40:35 UTC  

I could see that, smaller gun? Even if 380 vs 9.

2020-12-02 17:55:38 UTC  

Yep 23 oz for the 43X and 16 oz for the 42, that's nearly a 50% weight difference, plus the light/laser is another 3 or 4 on the muzzle helping to keep it down. I don't like the 42 cuz' its too danged small for my mitt, by the time I get my left hand on it I'm afraid my knuckle is forward the barrel.

2020-12-02 17:59:11 UTC  

Yeah, CZ Rami is the smallest I’d go and be comfortable. Regardless I only use da/sa so I am not sure there is a gun smaller than that anyways

2020-12-02 18:00:43 UTC  

I appendix carry and I know it’s just paranoia but I do not trust striker fire. The trigger is hot regardless of striker or da/sa. I just do not like having the striker engaged. I prefer the hammer at rest

2020-12-02 18:03:30 UTC  

ahh ... nope, no appendix carry rule #2
Cross-draw to left at a 25 degree angle. The Glock 26 is slightly smaller than the CZ in length and height, but a little thicker.

2020-12-02 18:06:18 UTC  

why do you not like appendix carry?

2020-12-02 18:08:21 UTC  

not old enough to carry, but ye I feel ya. I personally don't like the idea of appendix carry unless I know the chamber is empty xD

2020-12-02 18:11:47 UTC  

oh well in that case, hammer fired gun appendix carry 🙂

2020-12-02 18:12:03 UTC  

@sixfivebyfiftyfive are you over 18?

2020-12-02 18:14:41 UTC  

yes, but I can't buy handguns or pistol ammo in my state. that might change next year, because I am moving out of VA to either go to college or find a semi-affordable place to live.

2020-12-02 18:15:56 UTC  

I honestly don't know that I will get accepted anywhere, because I have only applied to one school thus far, so I am thinking I will probably just start working full-time

2020-12-02 18:16:14 UTC  

so maybe I can get my own place soon

2020-12-02 18:17:34 UTC  

Appendix carry is completely fine with a da/sa gun. One in the chamber and hammer in half cock

2020-12-02 18:18:32 UTC  

Tbh it is completely fine with striker if you are safe. Again I just don’t trust it because of paranoia but plenty of those big name gun youtubers appendix with striker

2020-12-02 18:19:10 UTC  

Garand thumb for example or warrior poet, both appendix with striker

2020-12-02 18:21:28 UTC  

I appendix carry an XDS with one in the chamber everyday as do most of my friends. You need to get comfortable carrying but if you get in a situation where you need to defend yourself, last thing you want is wasting the time racking the slide.

2020-12-02 18:22:01 UTC  

Firearm safety rule #2, never point a gun at anything you are ready to destroy. My own thigh or worse my own " junk" is not something I want to shoot. Don't care what the action is I do not point a firearm at me. Friend of mine shot himself in the ass drawing a Sig P220 that was "safe".

I carry a Glock with one in the pipe ready to go.

2020-12-02 18:23:08 UTC  

If you holster appendix correctly, it shouldn't ever be pointing at you till it's safely inside a holster where the trigger can not get pulled.

2020-12-02 18:24:27 UTC  

Today I found out that 7.92mm machine guns are called .30 cals

2020-12-02 18:26:22 UTC  

I here ya David. It definitely takes time just to draw, and racking only adds time. Still, my uncle (anesthesiologist) saw a guy come into the ER cause he shot himself in the junk (I think he was carrying in the pocket though). That kinda freaks me out! xD If I carry appendix, I will probably just train to rack a round upon drawing, cause I know my Papa got to be hella fast doing that. In my mind, I'll risk a split second to avoid shooting myself. That's just me though.

2020-12-02 18:27:10 UTC  

Easy for a skinny guy to say

2020-12-02 18:27:17 UTC  

Pocket carry without a properly designed holster for you gun is just asking for you gmyo shoot your self.

2020-12-02 18:28:35 UTC  

I cross-draw with a steep reverse cant, the weapon is NEVER pointed at me, ever.

2020-12-02 18:30:18 UTC  

I've lost some weight recently but I'm definitely still overweight. One of my friends who also appendix carry is even more bulky then me. That said, the holster I have intential sits fairly low to make it easier to conceal. The holster is also in front of my junk so if you are going in straight it's not actually crossing anything.

2020-12-02 18:33:47 UTC  

If your overweight, tier 1 concealed which is what I use had the parts of the holster hinge which helps make it more comfortable. One of my friends who is your ideal weight with a very low fat percentage in his body carries a T-Rex arms holster but it is one solid piece of kydex.

2020-12-02 18:35:16 UTC  

Not going to lie thou, loosing some pounds from my front definitely makes appendix more comfortable but it's not a requirement.

2020-12-02 18:35:41 UTC  

yeaaaaaaaah gonna hard disagree with you, when I appendix carry I'm not pointing it at my thigh or junk

2020-12-02 18:35:44 UTC  

Haha and they called me a fool for buying all the 9mm.

2020-12-02 18:37:38 UTC  

I carried my EDC behind me iwb hoster I loss alot of weight now and now carry appendix and love it

2020-12-02 18:38:09 UTC  

of course people do shoot themselves, but that can happen with ANY draw where someone is being a dumbass

2020-12-02 18:38:19 UTC  

practice practice practice

2020-12-02 18:38:28 UTC  


2020-12-02 18:38:50 UTC  

I run a "Concealment Express" Kydex I modified to increase the forward cant. Without that cant, any firearm at ANY location on my waist is pointing at my lower body somewhere. Guys that are straight up and down can get away with it, us round guys have the issue, I guess I could pull my pants up to my nipples and point it away from me, but I'd bash my chin tryin to draw.

2020-12-02 18:40:02 UTC  

My friend was carrying in the small of his back when he shot himself in the ass. There is a reason for rule #2, shoot happens.

2020-12-02 18:40:33 UTC  

I never would carry with one in the chamber

2020-12-02 18:40:49 UTC  

I don't really like Israeli carry

2020-12-02 18:41:21 UTC  

I would think its more of them pulling the trigger to soon then the gun

2020-12-02 18:41:25 UTC  

in situations where seconds matter, having to chamber a round from draw takes too long IMO. but I guess if you train around it, that's all that matters

2020-12-02 18:41:44 UTC  

@f***urfeelings yeah, or drawing with finger on the trigger = wtf

2020-12-02 18:41:58 UTC  

Finger placement

2020-12-02 18:42:02 UTC  
