Message from @HonoredExostylx
Discord ID: 758658561995046965
Finally downloaded and played “Among Us” after seeing like a million memes referencing it.
Yo mobile among us code LPTCQQ
@Jay_16 you do know that there is cross play for mobile and pc in among us
I havent played, but there should be? Someone told me there was
anyone play Breakpoint?
@AWOIII hit me up if you want to hop on the mc server. I might get on in a bit, just going to chill in vc for a while doing some other stuff
@SnowWhite❄ so yeah your team is underleveled though idk about that story thing that happens after e4
E4 is a bit easier since all levels are the same
I like a challenge plus you pinged wrong person
I beat the elite four
I need mod 3
idk man
hold on that aint gacha
anyone here play mx simulator?
so my uh
sherman just did a barrel roll
a tank? how do you barrel roll a damn tank?
they dropped a bomb in me
and it didn't kill me
but it threw my tank
so i downloaded the fabric thing from the link one of yall gave me, but i cant open it. it says i dont have an app that can open it
did you download the exe installer or the jar file?
the one thats pinned?
is that war thunder?