Message from @DrStrange77

Discord ID: 775506993195646976

2020-11-09 23:20:31 UTC  

but i digress

2020-11-09 23:21:11 UTC  

search how many babies have died in the name of science and it will make you sick

2020-11-09 23:21:38 UTC  

> search how many babies have died in the name of science and it will make you sick
@Zallis The Pokemon I already have. It's disgusting.

2020-11-09 23:24:24 UTC  

But the main problem comes when a woman feels in doubt of herself taking the next steps, not because she's feeling doubt naturally but because it's been pressured into her by foreign actors like friends and some strangers too who want to make the decision of keeping this child or not for those women.

2020-11-09 23:25:35 UTC  


2020-11-09 23:26:02 UTC  

it can also be a bf or husband who has doubts or wants the baby

2020-11-09 23:26:27 UTC  

It's just hard to get around. I'm all for free will, if a woman wants to abort, that's fine with me(even though if you didn't expect or want a baby in the first place you should've used safer sex alternatives like condoms, just saying). It's none of my business what she does. But to force women to choose whether to abort or not, I'm not exactly a fan of.

2020-11-09 23:27:01 UTC  

> But if I was given the opportunity I would absolutely make abortion illegal
@SomeSouthernGuy I agree. It is absolutely despicable and literally makes me sick. Look up how they are aborted up to the 32 week mark(D&X method), makes me want to throw up.

2020-11-09 23:29:52 UTC  

we have some people who protest our neighborhood planned parenthood buy standing in front with a sign that says pray to end abortion. but you drive by and you think to pray every time you see it which is nice

2020-11-09 23:29:59 UTC  

Like if I was having doubts about having a child, I would not abort myself. If my husband wanted me to abort, I still wouldn't. But if I was the one who wanted to abort and my husband didn't want me to, I would not abort. Why? Cuz that's how I was raised. Coming from a historically conservative and republican family, I've learned more manners, morals, values, and responsibilities than probably the entire democrat party combined.

2020-11-09 23:30:32 UTC  

Not married, just talking about the future I guess lol

2020-11-09 23:32:15 UTC  

thats good i feel many people arent taught basic moral values

2020-11-09 23:33:03 UTC  

That's gonna change when Trump implements his 1776 Commission plan to our American schools

2020-11-09 23:33:14 UTC  

Yeah the whole problem is just ridiculous. Shouldn't have ever been a problem. Murdering the most innocent life form among humans shouldn't ever appeal to anybody.

2020-11-09 23:35:04 UTC  

The only acceptable reasons for abortion in my opinion are rape, incest, and medical issues. idk what you guys think, but I know that God wouldn't send a child to my future wife to kill her, unless it was part of a greater plan.

2020-11-09 23:39:08 UTC  

> The only acceptable reasons for abortion in my opinion are rape, incest, and medical issues. idk what you guys think, but I know that God wouldn't send a child to my future wife to kill her, unless it was part of a greater plan.
@DrStrange77 What if, because this sometimes can happen, your future wife who is expecting a child is at risk of losing her life if the child is born. Do you choose to save her and abort or take the child and the risk of, God forbid, her loss of life? Because some Christians say you save the mother and continue pro-creating until it's safe for an operation where both the baby's and mother's lives, but others say you take the risk and never consider aborting the child.

2020-11-09 23:40:04 UTC  

it would be both our decision but in the end i would feel my wife would want to have the child

2020-11-09 23:42:07 UTC  

Quite a common belief to be honest

2020-11-09 23:44:38 UTC  

I believe that as well, and I strive to marry somebody who believes that. I would like to try and birth the baby, and get as far along as possible in the process. If, for example, my wife develops a severe medical issue and the baby is at week 24, we would likely go as far along in the process and then transfer the baby to an "artificial womb" while my wife goes under surgery.

Of course this is all speculation, but in this scenario that is what I would do.

2020-11-09 23:45:42 UTC  

Good answer

2020-11-09 23:47:55 UTC  

It all depends on what we would feel like of course, and how we are guided. Wouldn't be an easy decision thats for sure

2020-11-09 23:50:34 UTC  

I looked at a study and there is a definite difference between what liberals think is morally right compared to concervatives

2020-11-09 23:51:50 UTC  

For sure. I don't understand why that is tho

2020-11-09 23:52:00 UTC  

Actually I don't understand liberals at all.

2020-11-09 23:52:11 UTC  

lmao and thats the problem

2020-11-09 23:52:22 UTC  

we cant understand them thhey cant understand us

2020-11-09 23:54:23 UTC  

I just don't understand stupidity. The lack of facts and evidence is pathetic.

2020-11-09 23:55:52 UTC  

i get ya

2020-11-10 01:22:55 UTC  

> The only acceptable reasons for abortion in my opinion are rape, incest, and medical issues.
@DrStrange77 Why should a child be murdered for the crimes of the parents (rape or incest)? Plus, if we're going to allow abortion for rape, we should just allow it no questions asked so women don't have even *more* incentive than they already do to fuck men's lives over by falsely accusing them of rape.

2020-11-10 01:24:23 UTC  

I completely agree mathgrant

2020-11-10 01:34:20 UTC  

She has a beautiful voice @1776

2020-11-10 01:34:53 UTC  

yes... and the church gives it a special tone

2020-11-10 01:35:18 UTC  

wish I could sing like her

2020-11-10 01:38:16 UTC  

I wish I could sing😟

2020-11-10 01:41:31 UTC  

Yes the church gives her voice an otherworldly tone

2020-11-10 02:44:36 UTC  

I feel that video with the lone person singing about God in an otherwise nearly empty church could be a really good analogy of how far man has fallen away from God in this age

2020-11-10 02:46:46 UTC  

The women singing is us Christians, with the near empty church being the world with God. Most people in this world have left Him

2020-11-10 02:47:47 UTC  

Anyone else think that those songs that give parts for women and parts for men are beautiful

2020-11-10 02:48:14 UTC  

it all harmonizes so perfectly ❤️