Message from @Alpha-57

Discord ID: 790967999434588210

2020-12-21 21:00:05 UTC  

Jesus is the swag master

2020-12-21 23:46:38 UTC  

Mormons believes that Jesus only forgive sins but doesn't save us from it,also is A business that provides you with wholesome life and family,in exchange for money. They deny the existence of the Supreme Holy God who gives existence its purpose. INSTEAD the Mormon church teaches that God was once a man achieved the status like his parents before and that we must do the same. They teach that Jesus doesn't save us from sin or evil. Rather, he only forgives us for it. According to the Mormon church, everyone who is born doesn't deserve to be punished in hell because of what he or she did good deeds before this earth in the pre-existence. For the Mormon church, Jesus blood wss shed in the garden of Gethsemane to allow us to begin working on Becoming righteous in this life in order to become God ourselves. Whereas the Bible teaches that juses death on the cross actually saves us from the power of sin to control our lives. The Mormon church provides an escape From this cruel selfish world. Which essentially they lie. @Alpha-57 @Vice President SwagLord

2020-12-22 05:28:55 UTC  

Hi everyone. Whoever is reading this I just want you to stop what you are doing and take a second to think about how much God loves you! You are His precious child and he adores you! He is proud of you and He loves to watch you be yourself. Whenever you do that thing, you know that thing you do that is so typically you. When you do that thing God is looking down on you lovingly thinking that’s my child! He made you and He is so proud of you! Merry Christmas everyone! Your father in heaven loves you so much!

2020-12-22 06:07:07 UTC

2020-12-22 06:07:11 UTC  

South Africa Pict of Star of Bethlehem

2020-12-22 06:48:58 UTC  

Is that a real picture

2020-12-22 07:18:49 UTC  

If you would allow me to pose a counterpoint to the points that you have made:

1)      Mormons believe that Jesus doesn’t save people from sin. This is simply not true. In fact in the Book of Mormon it states that “[Christ] taketh away the sins of the world” and that “[He] is mighty to save and to cleanse the world from all unrighteousness” (Alma 7:14). What we don’t believe is that He saves us in our sins. There is a difference. To save from sin is to provide a way for us to repent and become cleansed through His Atoning sacrifice, to save us in our sins is to imply that we have done nothing to merit redemption (i.e. not repenting of transgression or sin).

2)      It is a business that provides you with a wholesome life in exchange for money. I don’t know where you got this idea. Yes, if you want to enter the temples, which are seen as houses of the Lord, you need to be worthy. Part of that worthiness is tithing. This has been a commandment since the beginning. The money does not support local leaders, but is used for humanitarian aid, missionary work, etc.

3)      The Mormon Church denies the Supreme Holy God. Also not true: “We believe in God, the Eternal Father, and in His Son, Jesus Christ, and in the Holy Ghost.” (Article of Faith 1)

4)      Mormons teach that God was a man that achieved this status like His parents. This is true, but there is context left out. We believe that “As man is, God once was. As God is, man may become” (Lorenzo Snow, 5th President, Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints). It involved a deeper doctrinal analysis than I am ready to give at the present, but the Idea was that God was like unto man in a previous round of creation, and that he became exalted and like unto His Heavenly Creator, thereby gaining the knowledge and ability to become God as we know Him.

2020-12-22 07:18:55 UTC  

5)      We must do the same. That is what we strive for, to become perfected so that we may become like God, and like Him, become creators of worlds without number. A noble goal, and one I certainly would like to accomplish. This does not diminish the importance of God, but enhances it, turning Him into even more of a loving Father who wants us to reach our full potential.

6)      Everyone who is born doesn’t deserve to be punished in Hell. Partially true. We teach that “little children are alive in Christ… if it were not so, God is a partial God… and a respecter of persons… for how many little children have died without baptism” (Moroni 9:12). However even adults are not condemned to either Heaven or Hell. We believe in three degrees of glory, based on the Final Judgement of our thoughts, deeds, and character. Each degree is varying in the glory. For further info, ask about the Plan of Salvation (it is worth studying).

7)      The Mormon Church teaches that the suffering in Gethsemane, rather than the death on the cross is the saving power. Partially true: the Atonement was a multi-stage ordeal. First it was the suffering in Gethsemane, then His death on the cross, and finally, the Resurrection. Each part was necessary for the sacrifice to be complete and victory over death and sin assured.

8)      The Mormon Church provides an escape from this cruel, selfish world. I don’t know of a single church in existence that doesn’t try to provide hope to its members. Is it not a good thing that one could look forward with faith and hope for a better world?

2020-12-22 07:21:35 UTC  

I would also like to point out that my goal is not to persuade you, but to clarify and dispel myths and misconceptions about our beliefs.

2020-12-22 07:41:17 UTC  

This is my Tumblr reblog Poem: I hope you guys love it! Sending much love from The Lord!❤️ <:salut:730846445732888630>

2020-12-22 07:47:42 UTC  

@Alpha-57 quick question do y'all believe that y'all are a christian denomination?

2020-12-22 07:48:05 UTC  

Or a separate religion

2020-12-22 14:28:38 UTC  

We are members of the Church of *Jesus Christ* of Latter-day Saints. We are followers of Christ, so, yes, we are Christians.

2020-12-22 15:40:00 UTC  

I agree with Rea. We get called Mormons so often that people overlook that we are called the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Even the Book of Mormon has the subtitle "Another testament of Jesus Christ" While there may be things that differentiate us from say Catholicism or Protestant denominations, the underlying foundation is the same: a belief in Jesus Christ, His teachings, and His power to save through His Atonement.

2020-12-22 15:41:30 UTC  

I disagree. I am a Protestant Christian and i believe in the Bible as the sole authority for all things. So no we do not believe in the same things.

2020-12-22 15:43:20 UTC  

In particular I do not believe that God was ever man except for the incarnation of Jesus. I do not believe He was a man who achieved Godhood. The Bible says that God has always existed and never changes.

2020-12-22 15:44:23 UTC  

Sorry. I sort of just jumped into the the conversation here. Didn’t mean to be rude but also to clarify

2020-12-22 15:44:26 UTC  

But the underlying basis of faith is that in Jesus Christ, is it not?

We also believe the Bible is the word of God. The Book of Mormon does not diminish that, rather, it is a companion to it.

Secondly, a differentiating belief on the origin of God doesn't necessarily disqualify us from being Christians.

2020-12-22 15:48:04 UTC  

If the Book of Mormon teaches that God was once a man then it is in direct conflict with what the Bible says. The Bible tells us that God is eternal. He has always been, and always will be. He has never changed and never will. And that is good.

2020-12-22 15:53:43 UTC  

Psalm 90:2 states Before the mountains were brought forth, or ever thou hadst formed the earth and the world, even from everlasting to everlasting, thou art God. Meaning from eternity past to eternity future He is God.

2020-12-22 15:59:33 UTC  

Like I said, it would require a deeper anaylis of the scriptures to completely explain this, but I will try to keep it as simple and consise as possible.

First, that is a modern revelation given by several prophets (since we do believe in modern revelation through prophets) and not explicitly stated in the Book of Mormon.

Secondly, God is eternal. We all are. Mortality is simply a brief phase between our pre-mortal existence and our immortality at the final day of judgement. This is part of the Plan of Salvation. It is difficult to comprehend this (it is true, even for me) but as you study it, it all falls into place. There was more to this than a simple pre-existence, it is a very intricate and, at times, complicated doctrine. But it is a very rewarding topic to study and a study of it shows that we are not merely on this Earth to suffer and try to be good until we die. Rather we are here to gain experience and learn and grow so that we may be able to reach our full potential. Death is not the end, it is only a beginning.

2020-12-22 16:02:38 UTC  

Well I appreciate that insight. I think it is clear to see we are both devout in our beliefs and that our beliefs are not the same.

2020-12-22 16:04:34 UTC  

The point is that we both believe that Jesus is the Christ, and we strive to follow His teachings.

2020-12-22 16:04:39 UTC  

Because I believe the Bible to be Gods complete revelation of all things, I do not believe in modern day prophecy. I don’t believe God sends any special revelation to people today. I believe the gift of prophecy was given for the time it was needed. But it is no longer needed because God sent us His entire revelation in the scriptures, which I believe are the true inerrant inspired word of God.

2020-12-22 16:05:59 UTC  

But I don’t believe that people are following Jesus’s teachings if you are using supplemental literature. That is my belief. So that is why I disagree that we are following the same teacher.

2020-12-22 16:06:35 UTC  

Again, I agree with Rea. Christ is the center of our faith. That is the most important part of it.

If you are doutful as to the nature and content of the Book of Mormon, I would invite you to at least read the Book of Mormon. There are so many myths and misconceptions about what it is and what it teaches. The Apostle Paul said: "Prove all things; hold fast that which is good".

2020-12-22 16:06:44 UTC  

You are allowed to believe whatever you want, but we follow Jesus Christ. So I don’t know what to tell you.

2020-12-22 16:08:52 UTC  

I don’t mean to be adversarial. Please don’t think of it like that. I’m just saying by your own admission you follow the teachings from books that were written by modern prophets (or something similar to that I think?) and I just don’t believe that those modern authors were truly inspired to write the way the authors of the Bible were. That is the main difference.

2020-12-22 16:10:21 UTC  

No, I understand. Like I said, I'm not here to persuade anyone, I just wanted to clarify some of our beliefs. I am unable to do it very well just typing (especially with the character limit).

2020-12-22 16:11:03 UTC  

And the reason I feel that way is because I believe the Bible is Gods complete revelation of all things past present and future. As such there would be non need of supplemental literature.

2020-12-22 16:13:17 UTC  

As for supplemental literature, there are books (like the Apocrypha) which are considered in other Christian denominations to be true, but not as much in others. I truly believe in Paul's words. Study, and decide for yourself.

2020-12-22 16:17:46 UTC  

Here is the main reason why my faith is so important to me. From my understanding of the Bible we are saved from eternal hell by the process of becoming a born again believer. Which includes admitting we are born sinners and recognizing our inability to save ourselves. We accept Jesus’s death on the cross as the ultimate atonement for all of our sin past present and future. For it is by grace we are saved by faith. And not of works that no man should boast. This means we accept Jesus’s death as the free gift that washes away our sin and allows us to go to heaven when we die. If we do not become born again in this way we go to hell and pay for our own sin through eternal suffering. And here is what is dangerous - if I believe what the Bible says - it is by grace (a free gift) that I am saved through faith (my belief that Jesus did this for me) then if I try to earn my way to heaven with works I am thereby denying the ability of Jesus’s death to pay the full price for my sin. I am saying it isn’t enough.

2020-12-22 16:18:28 UTC  

What I am trying to get at is that we worship the same God, the Eternal Creator and Supreme Being. Differences as to His origin and nature vary across the different Christian sects, but the underlying foundation of a belief in God and Christ is there.

2020-12-22 16:19:34 UTC  

And that is what is different and sets us apart. This is the core and heart of my beliefs.

2020-12-22 16:21:49 UTC  

So that is why I can get a little passionate about my beliefs because many Christian denominations including the catholic faith teach things like sacraments that must be done in order to gain entry to heaven from our own works. Things we do. Like baptism and going to church and participating in the lords supper and tithing. All these things we are instructed to do yea! But it does not determine whether or not we will gain entry to heaven. The work on the cross was our ticket into heaven.

2020-12-22 16:36:13 UTC  

The more you focus on differences, the larger the divide gets between any denomination. Christianity should not be divided. Christians can be a huge force for good if we focus less on what sets us apart and more on what we share: belief in Christ and His power to save.

2020-12-22 16:39:10 UTC  

I am not really supportive of ecumenical or universalist religion because I feel the truth is not to be compromised. And the consequence of compromised truth is souls lost to hell for eternity. So that is why I am not ashamed of the gospel (the good news of Gods plan for salvation) and I like to share it.

2020-12-22 16:41:13 UTC  

The only good I am interested in is helping people get to heaven and stay out of hell. I can do that by speaking openly in public about what the Bible says. It tells us that we can know 100% for certain that we will go to heaven when we die! What a relief!